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Initial Teacher Training 2024/25 - Qualification aim

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Initial Teacher Training 2024/25

Fields required from institutions in England

Qualification aim

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valid entries
Short nameQLAIM

This field describes the qualification aim of the Initial Teacher Training course and is intended to record the qualification that will be attained as a result of successful completion of studies.

This field is also used by the DfE to derive whether a trainee record is Postgraduate or Undergraduate.

Applicable toEngland

All students where Student.ITTAIM = 202.

Valid entries and labels
008BA (Hons)
002BEd (Hons)
004BSc (Hons)
020Postgraduate Certificate in Education
021Postgraduate Diploma in Education
028Undergraduate Master of Teaching
031Professional Graduate Certificate in Education
032Masters, not by research

If the aim of the specific course is not listed above, please choose the closest equivalent.

The table below shows what the equivalent values in the Student record (in the General qualification aim of course field) should be:

Student.QLAIM (ITT record) Course.COURSEAIM (Student record)
  • 007 'BA'
  • 001 'BEd'
  • 003 'BSc'
  • I11 'Ordinary (non-honours) first degree leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)/registration with a General Teaching Council (GTC)'
  • 'I12 Ordinary (non-honours) first degree leading to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS)'
  • 008 'BA (Hons)'
  • 002 'BEd (Hons)'
  • 004 'BSc (Hons)'
  • H11 'First degree with honours leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)/registration with a General Teaching Council (GTC)'
  • H12 'First degree with honours leading to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS)'

020 'Postgraduate Certificate in Education'

M71 'Postgraduate Certificate in Education or Professional Graduate Diploma in Education'

021 'Postgraduate Diploma in Education'

M73 'Postgraduate Diploma in Education'

031 'Professional Graduate Certificate in Education'

H71 'Professional Graduate Certificate in Education'

028 'Undergraduate Master of Teaching'

M22 'Integrated undergraduate/postgraduate taught masters degree on the enhanced/extended pattern'

032 'Masters, not by research'

M00 'Masters degree obtained typically by a combination of coursework and thesis/dissertation, that does not meet the criteria for a research-based higher degree'

Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required To monitor provision and to allow the DfE to accurately record the relevant qualification. To derive whether a trainee record is Postgraduate or Undergraduate.
Part of
Field length3
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: QLAIM
OwnerDepartment for Education

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.