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Field name Field description Parent Notes Country Order    
UKPRN UK Provider Reference Number England 1
RECID Record type indicator England 1
HUSID HESA unique student identifier England 2
OWNSTU Provider's own identifier for student England 2
ALLPLACE Allocated place England 2
APPLYAPPLICATIONID Application number England 2
BIRTHDTE Date of birth England 2
BURSLEV Bursary level award England 2
COURSEID Course identifier England 2
CTITLE Course title England 2
DISABLE Disability England 2
ENTRYRTE Entry route England 2
ETHNIC Ethnicity England 2
EXPECTEDENDDATE Expected end date England 2
FNAMES Forenames England 2
FUNDCODE Fundability code England 2
INITIATIVES Initiatives England 2
ITTAIM ITT qualification aim England 2
ITTPHSC ITT phase/scope England 2
ITTSTARTDATE Start date of ITT course England 2
MODE Mode England 2
NATION Nationality England 2
NIN National insurance number England 2
NQTEMAIL Email addresses England 2
NUMHUS Student engagement identifier England 2
PGAPPSTDT Postgraduate teaching apprenticeship start date England 2
PSURNAME Immediately prior surname England 2
QLAIM Qualification aim England 2
SDEMPLOY School direct employing school England 2
SDLEAD School direct lead school England 2
SEXID Sex identifier England 2
SNAME16 Family name on 16th birthday England 2
SURNAME Family name England 2
TRAINEESTARTDATE Start date of ITT course England 2
TRN Teacher reference number England 2
TTCID Teacher training course England 2
YEARPRG Year of course England 2
SBJCA Subject of ITT course England 2
PLMNTSCH Placement School England 2
DEGCLSS Previous degree class England 2
DEGCTRY Previous degree country England 2
DEGENDDT Previous degree end date England 2
DEGEST Previous degree establishment England 2
DEGSBJ Previous degree subject England 2
DEGTYPE Previous degree type England 2

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