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Initial Teacher Training 2024/25 - Allocated place

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Initial Teacher Training 2024/25

Fields required from institutions in England

Allocated place

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valid entries
Short nameALLPLACE

This field indicates whether or not a student is using an initial teacher training place allocated by the DfE.

Applicable toEngland

All students.

Valid entries and labels
1DfE allocated place
2Not DfE allocated place

A student is considered to occupy an allocated place when the trainee was recruited before any recruitment control was applied by the DfE. Trainees specifically on the School Direct (salaried) route employed in a state maintained school (including an academy or free school) are also considered to occupy an allocated place. See recruitment controls documentation on GOV.UK.

In most cases a funded trainee MUST take up an allocated place. The only exception is where a provider wishes to use an allocated place for an unfunded School Direct Salaried trainee.

Further guidance on the coding requirements for allocated places may be found in the 'Further guidance about returning DfE programmes (excluding EYITT)' document.

Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required To understand which students should be counted as being part of the total number of allocated places, awarded and funded by the DfE.
Part of
Field length1
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components

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