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Student record 22056 - post implementation consultation

The consultation is now closed: please contact [email protected] if you have feedback or further queries.

The 2022/23 Student record was a result of the Data Futures programme work and a major change to the sector. Whenever a major change is made to our records, Jisc will follow up with a post-implementation survey to refine the changes we made and make improvements for following years.  

We have had a vast amount of feedback from providers already, and the questions included in this survey are based on that feedback. To manage expectations, not all of these may lead to changes in the data model, but we are including them here to give the whole sector a chance to give their opinions.  

This consultation will be open for 4 weeks, opening on Thursday 25 January 2024 and closing on Friday 23 February 2024. 

We have made a PDF of the survey is available on the survey overview page to assist you with cross-organisational response, but we expect online responses only. If you require other options or assistance to complete the survey, please contact [email protected].

We will summarise and publish representative, anonymised comments from the responses to this consultation on the HESA website by summer 2024. This will include an explanation of any changes that will be made to future Student records to improve and refine the specification. It may not include any system design improvements, as this will be done iteratively following our usual agile approach to development.  

This survey is aimed at those staff members who are involved in the submission of Student data to Jisc, either directly by sending the data, or indirectly by collecting data which feeds in to the Student record. Other responses are welcomed too, but the questions may not all be relevant.  

Please contact our Liaison team at [email protected] or +44 (0)1242 388 531 if you have any questions about this survey. 


To enable cross-organisational response, the consultation is grouped into subjects for different audiences to engage with. When you click ‘next step’ under each section, you will be returned to the contents page, which tracks your progress through the questions in each section.  

The ‘save later’ option, also allows multiple users from one organisation to engage with the consultation. Once you click the ‘save later’ option you will receive a unique link.  

Please ensure that you read all of the information supplied in each section before answering the questions. 

Once the required questions have been completed, a ‘Finish’ button will appear at the bottom of the consultation. Pressing this will complete the consultation and send your responses for analysis. Please do not click through to finish until you are satisfied with all of your answers. 

On completion, a copy of your responses will be generated as a PDF and sent to the email address you entered at the beginning of the consultation. 

Data processing notice for consultations  

Responses to this survey will be used to support the review of the Student Record, and will be used in analysis, documentation, and communications in connection with that activity.  

We may share your survey responses with statutory customers, sector bodies or other organisations involved within the consultation. We will share your response together with your provider name however we will not disclose your name or email address to organisations we share responses with. 

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