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Aggregate Offshore 2022/23 (C22052): Notification of Changes

Published on 2022-12-20

This document summarises the changes to the Aggregate Offshore record that will be implemented for 2022/23. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or feedback.

From C22052, valid entry 5 - 'Any other student studying overseas for an award of the reporting provider' will be removed from Provision.TYPE. The guidance for the field was updated in C21052 to note that validation agreements should instead be included under valid entry 4 - 'Registered at overseas partner organisation - studying overseas for an award of the reporting provider'.

Furthermore, the title for valid entry 4 is being amended to "Registered at overseas organisation - studying overseas for an award of the reporting provider".

The field length for the Provision.INSTCAMP field has been increased to 50 to align with VENUEID in the 22056 Student collection. Providers may now use alphanumerical codes or more descriptive names to identify each separate campus. This change also affects the schema field length for this field.