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Table 6 - Tuition fees and education contracts analysed by HE provider, domicile, mode, level, source and academic year 2016/17 to 2022/23

HE Provider Data: Finance

Table 6 - Tuition fees and education contracts analysed by HE provider, domicile, mode, level, source

Academic years 2016/17 to 2022/23


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As part of their latest data submission, HE providers are able to restate figures for the previous year. In this Table, previous years' figures are based on restated figures (so the 2018/19 figures are taken from the 2019/20 return and the 2017/18 figures are from the 2018/19 return).

Providers having Total HE course fees of zero is due to these providers not yet having any registered students, or their students being solely subcontracted in from another provider (subcontracted in course fee income can be found in Table 7).

Type of data

Administrative data

Data source

HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) is part of Jisc. We are the experts in UK higher education data and analysis. We have been collecting higher education information since the 1994/95 academic year.

Finance data is taken from the HESA Finance record, which universities, colleges and other higher education providers return to HESA on an annual basis. The Finance record collects a range of information about the primary financial statements from HE providers' published accounts.

From 2018/19, data for English HE providers (excluding further education colleges and sixth form colleges under the primary regulation of the Education and Skills Funding Agency) was collected by the Office for Students.

We provide data and analysis on finances of HE providers to a wide variety of customers, including:

  • Governments
  • Universities (via the Heidi Plus analytics tool)
  • Academic and commercial researchers
  • Students and potential students
  • Trade unions and employers' associations
  • Policy makers.

Our data is used to regulate the sector, inform policy making, advance understanding of social and economic trends, support decision making, and enhance public understanding of - and confidence in - the higher education sector.

Related releases

Our HE Provider Data: Finance data pages collect together all of the tables we publish on finances in higher education.

Further information

This table displays tuition fees and education contracts analysed by domicile, mode, level and source of funding.

The ‘summary’ radio button displays high-level data totals of tuition fees and education contracts by domicile. Further detailed breakdowns are available by selecting radio buttons for ‘UK domiciled’, ‘Other EU domiciled’, ‘Non-EU domiciled’, ‘Other course fees’ and 'Research and training support grants’.

View Table 6 - Tuition fees and education contracts by domicile, mode, level and source of funding

Data displayed in this table is course fees income and includes short courses, self-financing, full-cost courses funded by private/non-private sources and support grants in respect of all and only those students on courses for which fees are charged. The data also includes income arising from courses provided for other bodies where the provider charges a block fee to cover a specified number of students e.g. nursing or midwifery courses sponsored by the NHS.

This table displays fee income from students who are registered with the provider and does not include students fee income who have been subcontracted in from another provider.

The concepts of domicile, mode and level used in this table are:

  • Domicile is the permanent address prior to entry of study whether UK, Other EU or non-EU domiciled. Students from Channel Islands are included as non-EU domiciled.
  • Mode is the method by which a student is being taught their course; full-time or part-time.
  • Level refers to the level of the course undertaken by a student, classified as undergraduate, postgraduate research, postgraduate taught and postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE).

Fee income data in this table is further analysed by source of funding. They are:

  • SLC/LEAs/SAAS/DfE(NI) - The Student Loans Company (SLC), Local Education Authority (LEAs), Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS) or the Department for Economy (Northern Ireland) (DfE(NI)).
  • DH/LETB/Scottish Health Directorate/HEIW - Department of Health (DH) (including National Health Service (NHS) and NHS Trusts), Local Education and Training Boards (LETB), Scottish Health Directorate or the Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW). Teaching contract income from the NHS is included under this column.
  • Other - includes all other sources not covered above, including from individual students. For postgraduate taught students in receipt of postgraduate loans, the source of fees should be other. For fee income from apprenticeships, the source of fees should be other.

General studentships that are not part of a research grant and support grants from charities are displayed. If grants are received as part of research grants and contracts, then such studentships are displayed in research grants and contracts table in open data.

The table also displays transnational fee income both in the EU and overseas. Transnational education (TNE) is education delivered in a country other than the country in which the awarding Provider is based.

During the data collection process, the total tuition fees and education contracts value is auto-populated by summing together the sub-categories of tuition fees and education income.

This table collects data retrospectively for the latest financial year. It also collects restated data to previously submitted information for the one year prior as comparison to the current year.

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