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Initial Teacher Training 2024/25 - Subject of ITT course

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Initial Teacher Training 2024/25

Fields required from institutions in England

Subject of ITT course

return to field list

valid entries
Short nameSBJCA

Subject of ITT course.

Applicable toEngland

All course subject records.

Valid entries and labels
101117ancient Hebrew language
100343applied biology
101038applied chemistry
100358applied computing
101060applied physics
101192Arabic languages
100078business and management
100079business studies
100456childhood studies
101165Chinese languages
101126classical Greek studies
100300classical studies
100366computer science
100150construction and the built environment
101361creative arts and design
100510early years teaching
100320English studies
100381environmental sciences
101017food and beverage studies
100321French language
100184general or integrated engineering
100390general science
100323German language
100061graphic design
101373hair and beauty sciences
100476health and social care
100473health studies
101410historical linguistics
100372information technology
100326Italian language
101169Japanese languages
101420Latin language
100202manufacturing engineering
100225materials science
100444media and communication studies
100329modern languages
100642music education and teaching
100071performing arts
101142Portuguese language
100511primary teaching
100050product design
100209production and manufacturing engineering
100091public services
100893recreation and leisure studies
100339religious studies
100092retail management
100330Russian languages
100471social sciences
100332Spanish language
100433sport and exercise sciences
100097sports management
100513teaching English as a foreign language
100214textiles technology
100101travel and tourism
100610UK government/parliamentary studies
100333Welsh language

This field contains the subset of codes applicable to Initial Teacher Training Courses in England from the QualificationSubject.QUALSUBJECT field in the Student record.

When more than one subject is returned the tags surrounding the main subject code should include the attribute Main="1". For example if the subjects of the teaching qualification gained are French and History, with French as the main subject, then French should be returned as: <SBJCA Main="1">100321</SBJCA>

For initial teacher training students in England

The DfE needs to be able to link ITT students in England to the intake target from which the DfE has allocated numbers. In addition, only a subset of HECoS codes are appropriate for ITT programmes. The DfE wants to ensure that only appropriate subjects are recorded. At providers in England students identified as being initial teacher training students must be coded using this subset of HECoS. Further details are given below.

Primary ITT Programmes (i.e. Student.ITTPHSC 13909, 13911, 13912, 13913, 12914 and 13915)

The requirement on primary programmes to train students in at least one specialism is no longer compulsory.

Trainees on all primary level courses will need to be returned as ‘primary teaching’ for the main subject. Any courses that continue to have a primary specialism should have that subject added as an additional subject.

For trainees who choose not to study a primary specialism, code 100511 should be returned in this field.

Trainees that were previously 'Specialist teaching' should now be returned with the subjects ‘Primary teaching’ and ‘Mathematics’.

Providers should ensure that codes relating to the subject the student is funded for are returned. Any provider wishing to enter a code not included in the current subject list should contact the DfE directly.

For continuing students who started their course before 01 August 2019, Primary PE Specialists (previously coded as JACS C690) and non-specialists (previously coded as JACS C600) should be coded as 100433 - sport and exercise sciences.

Where trainees continue to study a primary specialism, a valid HECoS code should be used in this field as follows:

HECoS Code Label
100366computer science
101361creative arts and design
100510early years teaching
100320English studies
101017food and beverage studies
100321French language
100390general science
100323German language
100476health and social care
100473health studies
100372information technology
100326Italian language
101169Japanese languages
100444media and communication studies
100329modern languages
100642music education and teaching
100071performing arts
101142Portuguese language
100511primary teaching
100339religious studies
100332Spanish language
100433sport and exercise sciences
100097sports management
100513teaching English as a foreign language
100610UK government/parliamentary studies
100333Welsh language

Trainees that were previously 'Specialist teaching' should now be returned with the subjects ‘Primary teaching’ and ‘Mathematics’.

Providers should ensure that codes relating to the subject the student is funded for are returned. Any provider wishing to enter a code not included in the current subject list should contact the DfE directly.

Secondary ITT Programmes and ITT Programmes Covering the 7-14 and 9-14 Age Range (i.e. Student.ITTPHSC codes 13916, 13917, 13918 or 13919)

All programmes must train students in at least one specialism. It is essential that this specialism corresponds to the target from which the DfE has allocated numbers. Some Programmes will train students to teach additional specialisms. For secondary programmes, the HECoS code returned in SBJCA should indicate the subject, not the level of teaching.

For the specialisms:

The table below sets out the list of subjects appropriate to secondary ITT programmes with corresponding HECoS codes.

HECoS Code Label
101117ancient Hebrew language
101192Arabic languages
100343applied biology
101038applied chemistry
100358applied computing
101060applied physics
100078business and management
100079business studies
100456childhood studies
101165Chinese languages
101126classical Greek studies
100300classical studies
100366computer science
100150construction and the built environment
101361creative arts and design
100320English studies
100381environmental sciences
101017food and beverage studies
100321French language
100184general or integrated engineering
100390general science
100323German language
100061graphic design
100476health and social care
100473health studies
101410historical linguistics
100372information technology
100326Italian language
101420Latin language
101169Japanese languages
100202manufacturing engineering
100225materials science
100444media and communication studies
100329modern languages
100642music education and teaching
100071performing arts
101142Portuguese language
100050product design
100209production and manufacturing engineering
100893recreation and leisure studies
100339religious studies
100092retail management
100330Russian languages
100471social sciences
100513teaching English as a foreign language
100332Spanish language
100433sport and exercise sciences
100097sports management
100214textiles technology
100101travel and tourism
100610UK government/parliamentary studies
100333Welsh language
Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required To identify the subject of the ITT course.
Part of
Field length6
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: SBJCA
Data type: SBJCAType

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.