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Graduate Outcomes Contact Details record 2023/24

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Coverage of the record

Version 1.0 Produced 2024-05-01

Contents: Overview | Graduate Outcomes population | Survey cohorts | HE-level students at Further Education Colleges | Student record exclusions from the Graduate Outcomes population


Graduate Outcomes collects information about the activities and perspectives of graduates 15 months after they complete their studies. Graduate Outcomes has two parts: the collection of personal contact details for graduates and the specification of the survey itself. This coding manual describes the collection of personal contact details only, although the coverage applies for both records.

The population is based on information provided in HESA’s and Student record, as well as in records of further education (FE) provision collected by the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland (DfENI) and the Office for Students (OfS). These records include information on all students registered at the reporting provider and following relevant higher education programmes of study leading to the award of a qualification or provider credit.

All graduates who fall into the Graduate Outcomes population will be surveyed where valid contact details have been provided. All responses received that meet the minimum data requirements will be returned to HESA.

Graduate Outcomes population

The Graduate Outcomes target population contains all students reported to HESA or the funding councils as obtaining relevant higher education qualifications during the reporting period 01 August to 31 July, and whose study was full-time or part-time (including sandwich students and those writing-up theses).

Awards from dormant status are only included in the target population for postgraduate research students. Relevant qualifications exclude intercalated degrees, awards to visiting students, students on post-registration health and social care courses, and professional qualifications for serving school teachers.

Survey cohorts

The population is split into four cohorts that will be surveyed at different times of the year. This will be determined by when the student completed their studies. This information is given in the following fields: Leaver_ENGENDDATE in the HESA records; and STMAOS.END_Date in the Consolidated Data Return (CDR).

From the total population:

  • Students who completed their studies between 1 August 2023 and 31 October 2024 will be surveyed in the December 2024 contact period.
  • Students who completed their studies between 1 November 2023 and 31 January 2024 will be surveyed in the March 2025 contact period.
  • Students who completed their studies between 1 February 2024 and 30 April 2024 will be surveyed in the June 2025 contact period.
  • Students who completed their studies between 1 May 2024 and 31 July 2024 will be surveyed in the September 2025 contact period.

Where an individual has been awarded qualifications which fall into different survey periods they should be surveyed multiple times. The Provider.CENSUS data item will be used by the survey contractor to indicate which survey a response applies to. An individual making multiple responses will be included in the dataset multiple times, allowing their responses to be linked to the relevant qualifications awarded.

HE-level students at Further Education Providers

The Graduate Outcomes population includes HE-level students at Further Education Providers in England. HE level courses include the following qualification types:

  • Access course or pathway programmes
  • HNC
  • HND
  • Foundation degree
  • CertED
  • DipHE
  • Diploma of teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS)
  • First degree included: BEd, BA, BSc, BEng, BMus, LLB
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • PGCE
  • Higher degree (postgraduate) including: MSc, MA, MBA
  • Advanced Diplomas and Advanced Certificates

The awarding body for these qualifications should be one of:

  • A UK higher education provider with the power to award degrees
  • Pearson EDEXCEL or SQA (Advanced Diplomas and Advanced Certificates)
  • A further education college with the power to award foundation degrees (for foundation degrees only)

The Graduate Outcomes records include the following students studying at further education colleges pursuing higher education qualifications:

  • Students studying on courses in further education providers, which are franchised from HE institutions (included in the HESA Student record)
  • Directly funded HE students at FE providers in Wales (included in the HESA Student record)
  • Directly funded HE students at FE providers in Northern Ireland (population supplied via the Consolidated Data Return (CDR) from DfENI).
  • Directly funded HE students at FE providers in England (population and contact details supplied via the Individualised Learner Record (ILR) from the OfS).

Student record exclusions from the Graduate Outcomes population

1.The following higher education qualifications (Qualification_QUALCAT).

Awards for visiting students

Post-registration health and social care awards (QualificationAwardAccreditation.QUALAWARDACCID)

  • 06919 - Approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) for the purpose of providing eligibility to apply for registration with the HCPC as a radiographer (post-registration specialisms and CPD)
  • 11107 - Recognised by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as a post-registration and CPD qualification
  • 99902 - Post registration course accredited by another health or social care statutory regulatory body

Professional qualifications for serving schoolteachers

  • H0014 - Professional qualification at level H for serving schoolteachers other than a first degree with honours
  • I0006 - Professional qualification at level I for serving schoolteachers
  • M0017 - Post-registration education qualification at level M other than a masters degree for serving schoolteachers

Awards of credit

  • C0008 - Credits at level C
  • D0004 - Credits at level D
  • E0003 - Credits at level E
  • H0018 - Credits at level H
  • I0012 - Credits at level I
  • J0011 - Credits at level J
  • L0002 - Credits at level L
  • M0022 - Credits at level M
2. All further education level qualifications

Those Qualification_QUALCAT that begin with P.

3. Students studying on an intercalated course (StudentCourseSession_INTERCALATION).
  • 01 - This Student course session is part of an intercalated course

4. Students studying mainly overseas (StudyLocation_PRINONUK).

  • 01 - Primarily outside the UK

5. Incoming exchange students (Engagement_INCOMINGEXCHANGE).

  • 01 - Incoming ERASMUS student
  • 02 - Other incoming exchange or visiting student

6. Deceased students (Leaver_RSNENGEND).

  • 05 - Death

7. Qualifications awarded from dormant (suspended study) status, except Postgraduate Research qualifications (StudentCourseSession_Z_ACT_CYC).

Unless the first character of the qualification code is either D or L

  • 0 - Not active

8. Students who have been transferred out of the provider to another as part of collaborative supervision arrangements (Leaver_RSNENGEND).

  • 12 - Transferred out as part of collaborative supervision arrangements

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.