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Student 2019/20 - End date of instance

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England

End date of instance

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Short nameENDDATE

This field records the date of last scheduled activity by a student and should include the end of the scheduled exam period but excluding retakes.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All instances


All date fields in the Student Record must be completed using the ISO8601 format of YYYY-MM-DD. The specification of this field falls within the scope of the Aligned Data Definitions and follows the Data Standards in the HESA student record.

If the instance has not ended, an empty element should be returned, i.e:


A date is not required in cases where a student transfers from one course to another within the same student instance. Guidance on when a new student instance is required is given in Instance.NUMHUS. Normally where a student progresses from one course directly onto another at the same level (e.g. HND to Degree, MPhil to PhD) a new student instance is not required and hence this field would not be completed

An entry in this field means that an entry in Instance.RSNEND will also be expected.

Sometimes there will be a delay in knowing whether or not a student has left a course. Where the precise date of the student leaving is not known, the date of the end of the month, term or semester in which the student last attended should be given.

Where Y0/Y1/Y2 appear in business rules, these refer to the reporting period Y1-Y2 (e.g. for the 2007-08 reporting period, Y0 is 2006, Y1 is 2007 and Y2 is 2008).

Taught students

For the purpose of HESA returns, completing an instance is defined as being the point at which the taught or structured part of the instance, including planned exam periods and any formal writing-up period, is completed, i.e. once the student is no longer actively following the course, and not any later stage after the structured end to the course, such as, for example, re-sits or final confirmation of award. This may mean that Instance.RSNEND is completed using code 98 'Completion of course – result unknown’.

Resit Exams and/or Results from Late Exam Boards

Students who complete their instance by 31 July but who have resit examinations to take and/or whose final confirmation of award by exam boards may be after this date should be returned to HESA as leavers, with a dateleft in the reporting period ending 31 July. If their results are known before the Student Record data collection closes, these results should be included in the return. Records for such students will be included in the Graduate Outcomes survey population (assuming that they meet all other criteria). However, if the results are not known before the Student Record data collection closes, a record should be submitted with an ENDDATE in the reporting period ending 31 July completed and code 98 'Completion of course - result unknown' in Instance.RSNEND. Once known, for providers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, these results should be returned in the next reporting period but Instance.MODE should not be updated. For providers in Scotland, the appropriate dormant code should be returned in Instance.MODE. For all providers, the date returned in Instance.ENDDATE must be the original date left and not be updated. Records returned in this way will not be included in the Graduate Outcomes survey population.

Example 1 - for providers in England, Northern Ireland and Wales: A student completed their active study on 01/06/2019 but did not have their award confirmed until the next reporting period. In the C19051 Student record the student will be returned with their active MODE, their confirmed award, STULOAD = 0 and ENDDATE = 01/06/2019.

Example 2 - for providers in England, Northern Ireland and Wales: A student went dormant on 01/12/2018 with the intention to return. In the C18051 Student return they are recorded as NOTACT = 1. In the next reporting period, the student decides to fully withdraw and is given an exit award. In the C19051 student return, the student will be returned with MODE as dormant and ENDDATE = 01/12/2018.

Providers may wish to decommit their return late in the data collection period in order to include results from late exam or re-sit boards.

This same guidance applies to ITT DfE students where the award of QTS may be delayed.

ITT DfE students may finish their course in June/July of the HESA reporting year. This date should be date recorded in ENDDATE. However the provider may not know whether the student has been awarded QTS until later. If award information is known before the HESA data collection closes at the end of November, then this should be included in QUAL and OUTCOME. DfE have confirmed that trainees who obtain a successful award up until 1 November, and are shown as such in the main HESA return, will be counted in the profiles publication. Award dates after 31 October should be included in the following HESA data collection. In neither case should ENDDATE be up-dated.

It is expected that students coded other than 1 or 4 in OUTCOME who are subsequently awarded QTS should have this recorded in QualificationsAwarded.QUAL and QualificationsAwarded.OUTCOME in a subsequent return to HESA as an award from dormant status.

Research students

For research students the award should be recorded when the provider's Senate, or other body or person empowered, formally approves the award. For such students this field should be completed with the same date.

Dormant students

This field should reflect the date the student was last active on the instance and should not be updated.

Exchange-in students

Exchange-in students should have the date they finished their studies at the reporting provider.

Rescinded awards

Where a student has an award made and ENDDATE and Qualifications awarded were returned but then the award is rescinded, if the student receives a second award for the same Instance the ENDDATE will need to be updated, to provide an accurate record of what the student achieved.

FE learners at providers in Wales

The guidance below applies at providers in Wales where Instance.FESTUMK = 1 or 3.

Learners should generally be regarded as leaving prior to completion if they have not attended classes/activities for a continuous period of four weeks or more, unless there is auditable evidence that they intend to rejoin the learning activity without increasing the overall length of the learning activity. The end date for a learner leaving prior to completion should be the last day of attendance plus four weeks.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To determine whether to include a student in any particular population definition.To calculate the duration of a student's education. Used in analyses to determine students who are active in any given academic year.
Part of
Field length10
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: ENDDATE
Data type: DateType
Related fields
OwnerInformation Standards Board - Aligned Data Definitions
Date modified2020-06-26
Change management notesAdditional guidance section added providing information on 'Rescinded awards'. Two examples added to the section 'Resit Exams and/or Results from Late Exam Boards' to add clarification.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.