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Student 2019/20 - Qualification awarded

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England

Qualification awarded

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valid entries
Short nameQUAL

This field records the qualification awarded.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All qualification awarded records

Valid entries and labels
D00Doctorate degree that meets the criteria for a research-based higher degree
D90Provider credit at level D that can count towards a research-based higher degree
E00Doctorate degree that does not meet the criteria for a research-based higher degree
E13Access course or pathway programme at level 8
E40National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) at level E
E43Highly specialist diploma from a professional body
E90Advanced taught study at level E for provider credit
L00Masters degree that meets the criteria for a research-based higher degree
L80Other postgraduate qualification at level L that meets the criteria for a research-based higher degree
L90Provider credit at level L that can count towards a research-based higher degree
M00Masters degree obtained typically by a combination of coursework and thesis/dissertation, that does not meet the criteria for a research-based higher degree
M01Taught masters degree designed specifically as a training in research methods and intended as a preparation for a research-based higher degree
M02Masters in Teaching and Learning
M10Post-experience taught masters degree
M11Master of Business Administration (MBA)
M13Access course or pathway programme at level 7
M16Pre-registration masters degree leading towards obtaining eligibility to register to practice with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body
M22Integrated undergraduate/postgraduate taught masters degree on the enhanced/extended pattern
M26Integrated undergraduate/postgraduate taught masters degree on the enhanced/extended pattern leading towards obtaining eligibility to register to practice with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body
M28Integrated undergraduate/postgraduate taught masters degree on the enhanced/extended pattern leading towards registration with the Architects Registration Board (Part 1 and Part 2 qualification)
M40Fellowship at level M
M41Diploma at level M
M42Advanced professional certificate at level M
M43National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) at level M
M44Certificate at level M
M45Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) 5
M50Postgraduate bachelors degree at level M obtained typically by a combination of coursework and thesis/dissertation, that does not meet the criteria for a research-based higher degree
M70Professional taught qualification at level M other than a masters degree
M71Postgraduate Certificate in Education or Professional Graduate Diploma in Education
M72Post-registration education qualification at level M other than a masters degree for serving schoolteachers
M73Postgraduate Diploma in Education
M76Post-registration health and social care qualification at level M
M78Taught qualification at level M (where qualification at level H and/or level M is a pre-requisite for course entry) leading towards registration with the Architects Registration Board (Part 3 qualification)
M79Level 7 Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
M80Other taught qualification at level M
M86Taught qualification at level M leading towards obtaining eligibility to register to practice with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body
M88Taught qualification at level M (where a qualification at level H is a pre-requisite for course entry) leading towards registration with the Architects Registration Board (Part 2 qualification)
M90Taught work at level M for provider credit
H00First degree with honours
H11First degree with honours leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)/registration with a General Teaching Council (GTC)
H12First degree with honours leading to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS)
H13Access course or pathway programme at level 6
H16Pre-registration first degree with honours leading towards obtaining eligibility to register to practice with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body
H18First degree with honours leading towards registration with the Architects Registration Board (Part 1 qualification)
H22First degree with honours on the enhanced/extended pattern but at level H
H23First degree with honours and diploma
H41Diploma at level H
H42Certificate at level H
H43National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) at level H
H50Postgraduate bachelors degree at level H
H60Graduate diploma/certificate at level H
H61Graduate diploma/certificate at level H but where a previous qualification at level H is a pre-requisite for course entry
H62Pre-registration graduate diploma/certificate leading towards obtaining eligibility to register to practice with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body
H70Professional qualification at level H other than a first degree with honours
H71Professional Graduate Certificate in Education
H72Professional qualification at level H for serving schoolteachers other than a first degree with honours
H76Post-registration health and social care qualification at level H other than a first degree with honours
H78Other qualification at level H (where other qualifications at level H are a pre-requisite for course entry) leading towards registration with the Architects Registration Board (Part 3 qualification)
H79Level 6 Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
H80Other qualification at level H
H81Other qualification at level H but where a previous qualification at level H is a pre-requisite for course entry
H88Qualification at level H (where another qualification at level H is a pre-requisite for course entry) leading towards registration with the Architects Registration Board (Part 2 qualification)
H90Credits at level H
I00Ordinary (non-honours) first degree
I11Ordinary (non-honours) first degree leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)/registration with a General Teaching Council (GTC)
I12Ordinary (non-honours) first degree leading to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS)
I16Pre-registration ordinary (non-honours) first degree leading towards obtaining eligibility to register to practice with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body
I60Graduate diploma/certificate at level I
I61Graduate diploma/certificate at level I but where a previous qualification at level I or H is a pre-requisite for course entry
I70Professional qualification at level I other than an ordinary (non-honours) first degree
I71Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)/registration with a General Teaching Council (GTC) only
I72Professional qualification at level I for serving schoolteachers
I73Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) only
I74Teaching certificate (trained through the medium of Welsh)
I76Post-registration health and social care qualification at level I other than an ordinary (non-honours) first degree
I78Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training (DET)
I79Level 5 Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
I80Other qualification at level I
I81Other qualification at level I but where a previous qualification at level I or H is a pre-requisite for course entry
I90Credits at level I
J10Foundation degree
J13Access course or pathway programme at level 5
J16Foundation degree which on completion meets entry requirement for pre-registration health and social care qualification
J20Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE)
J26Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) leading towards obtaining eligibility to register to practice with a health or social care or veterinary statutory regulatory body
J30Higher National Diploma (HND)
J41Diploma at level J
J42Certificate at level J
J43National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) at level J
J45Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) 4
J76Post-registration health and social care qualification at level J
J80Other qualification at level J
J90Credits at level J
C13Access course or pathway programme at level 4
C20Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE)
C30Higher National Certificate (HNC)
C41Diploma at level C
C42Certificate at level C
C43National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) at level C
C77Level 4 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
C78Level 4 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
C80Other qualification at level C
C90Credits at level C
P41Diploma at level P
P42Certificate at level P
P43National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) 3
P45Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) 3
P50A/AS level
P55Advanced Higher (Scotland)
P56Higher (Scotland)
P70Professional qualification at level 3
P77Level 3 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
P78Level 3 Certificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector
P80Other qualification at level 3
P85Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art and Design) at level 3
P90Credits at level 3
Q41Diploma at level Q
Q42Certificate at level Q
Q43National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) 2
Q45Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) 2
Q50GCSE at grade A*-C
Q56Intermediate 2 (Scotland)
Q57Standard Grade Credit (Scotland)
Q70Professional qualification at level 2
Q80Other qualification at level 2
Q90Credits at level 2
R42Certificate at level R
R43National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) 1
R45Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) 1
R50GCSE at grade D-G
R56Intermediate 1 (Scotland)
R57Standard Grade General (Scotland)
R70Professional qualification at level 1
R80Other qualification at level 1
R90Credits at level 1
S42National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Entry level certificate
S57Standard Grade Foundation (Scotland)
S80Other qualification at further education (FE) access level
S90Credits at further education (FE) access level
X00Higher education (HE) access course, Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) recognised
X01Higher education (HE) access course, not Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) recognised
X41Welsh for Adults Entry level
X42Welsh for Adults level 1
X43Welsh for Adults level 2
X44Welsh for Adults level 3
X45Welsh for Adults level 4
X46Welsh for Adults specialist/arbennig

For some students whose course qualification aim may be, for example, first degree but who terminate their studies after a successful second year, occasionally a different qualification such as an HND or DipHE may be awarded. It is the awarded qualification which must be coded here.

Qualifications should be returned only when the awarding body has confirmed that the student has gained the award. Funding councils may check qualifications returned against data provided by awarding bodies, and query providers about discrepancies.

This field records the qualification obtained by the student during the reporting year. If a student is awarded more than one qualification during the reporting year then the QualificationsAwarded element should be repeated. A qualification obtained is not assumed from Instance.RSNEND and Instance.ENDDATE.

The coding frame for this field is designed to support the alignment of course qualifications with national frameworks, with the first letter indicating the level. Codes of similar type at different levels have the same two-digit suffix. Further comprehensive guidance on qualification levels and alignments may be found in the COURSEAIM field.

Some professional awarding bodies do not currently release results information to providers. Where this is the case, providers should leave this field blank and complete field Instance.RSNEND with code 98 'Completion of course - result unknown'.

Interim Awards: In most cases qualifications are obtained at the end of a course. Therefore typically where there is a QualificationsAwarded a reason for leaving and a date left would be expected. It is recognised, however, that there are a few courses where interim qualifications are actually awarded and so these fields may not be completed. Providers that award interim qualifications for students who are continuing on a course can return this information to HESA in the reporting year in which the interim qualification is awarded if they wish, in which case Instance.ENDDATE should not be completed in order to indicate that these students are continuing on the course. However records returned in this way will not be included in the Graduate Outcomes survey population. Alternatively providers can return interim qualifications when the student completes the course by completing the QualificationsAwarded fields and indicating the date the student completed the course in Instance.ENDDATE. Records returned in this way will be included in the Graduate Outcomes survey population (assuming that all other criteria are met).

Resit exams and/or results from late exam boards: Students who complete their instance by 31 July but who have resit examinations to take and/or whose final confirmation of award by exam boards may be after this date should be returned to HESA as leavers, with a dateleft in the reporting period ending that 31 July. If their results are known before the Student record data collection closes, these results should be included in the return. Records for such students will be included in the Graduate Outcomes survey population (assuming that they meet all other criteria). However, if the results are not known before the Student Record data collection closes, a record should be submitted with an ENDDATE in the reporting period ending that 31 July completed and code 98 'Completion of course - result unknown' in Instance.RSNEND. Once known, for providers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, these results should be returned in the next reporting period but Instance.MODE should not be updated. For providers in Scotland, the appropriate dormant code should be returned in Instance.MODE. For all providers, the date returned in Instance.ENDDATE must be the original date left and not be up-dated. Records returned in this way will not be included in the Graduate Outcomes survey population.

When necessary, providers should decommit their return late in the data collection period in order to include results from late exam or re-sit boards or to reflect where an award has been rescinded.

This same guidance applies to ITT DfE students where the award of QTS may be delayed.

ITT DfE students may finish their course in June/July of the HESA reporting year. This date should be date recorded in Instance.ENDDATE. However the provider may not know whether the student has been awarded QTS until later. If award information is known before the HESA data collection closes at the end of November, then this should be included in QUAL and QualificationsAwarded.OUTCOME. DfE have confirmed that trainees who obtain a successful award up until 1 November, and are shown as such in the main HESA return, will be counted in the profiles publication. Award dates after 31 October should be included in the following HESA data collection. In neither case should Instance.ENDDATE be up-dated.

It is expected that students coded other than 1 or 4 in OUTCOME who are subsequently awarded QTS should have this recorded in QualificationsAwarded.QUAL and QualificationsAwarded.OUTCOME in a subsequent return to HESA as an award from dormant status.

Rescinded Awards:

Where a student has an award made and Qualification awarded and ENDDATE were returned but then the award is rescinded, if the student receives a second award for the same Instance the Qualification awarded will need to be updated, to provide an accurate record of what the student achieved.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To allow analysis of qualifications awarded including interim awards.
Part of
Field length3
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: QUAL
Related fields
Date modified2020-09-22
Change management notesAdditional guidance added when it is necessary for providers to decommit their return late.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.