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Student 2019/20 - Type of instance year

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England

Type of instance year

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valid entries
Short nameTYPEYR

This field identifies which of the basic types academic year is applicable to the instance.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All instances where Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 01 unless provider is in Wales and Course.COURSEAIM begins with P, Q, R, S or X.

Valid entries and labels
1Course academic year contained within the HESA reporting year 1 August - 31 July
2Course academic year not contained within the HESA reporting year 1 August - 31 July
3Student commencing a course running across HESA reporting years
4Student mid-way through a course running across HESA reporting years
5Student finishing a course running across HESA reporting years

Information is required at instance level.

A year of instance runs from the Instance.COMDATE to the anniversary of the Instance.COMDATE.

Where the activity relating to a given instance year is contained within the HESA reporting year Instance.TYPEYR should be coded 1.

Placements should not be considered when determining Instance.TYPEYR. Therefore students whose normal pattern of study is standard years of instance (Instance.TYPEYR=1) but who in one year undertake a placement and the placement spans HESA reporting years should continue to be recorded as on standard years of instance. If, however, they undertake other taught activity that spans reporting years they should be recorded as on a non-standard year of instance (Instance.TYPEYR=2 or 4).

Providers in Scotland and Wales can only use codes 1 or 2.

Instance.TYPEYR should not be changed if a student withdraws during the year. This should reflect the intentions of the year.

Foundation degrees

Where a student's studies include, within the same instance, a foundation degree to degree bridging course this bridging course element will be shown by code 1 'Foundation degree to degree bridging course' in Instance.BRIDGE and an increased FTE in Instance.STULOAD. Where the bridging course spans HESA reporting years the FTE should all be returned in the second HESA reporting year, this may differ from the method used for other non-standard instance academic years. Providers should also indicate in Instance.BRIDGE that the student has studied a foundation degree to degree bridging course only in the year in which the FTE is increased. It may be that the inclusion of a foundation degree to degree bridging course means that the year of instance becomes non-standard i.e. no longer contained within the HESA reporting year. However, where the year would otherwise have been recorded as a standard academic year the year should still be recorded as such in this field.

Non-standard instance years

Instance academic years which overlap HESA reporting years should be coded 2, or may be sequentially coded 3, (4), 5 in consecutive HESA returns.

Large numbers of students have Instance.TYPEYR recorded incorrectly, or are changing from non-standard to standard academic years between HESA reporting periods. Providers are reminded that any student on a full-year course will be on a non-standard academic year, and therefore it is expected that most masters and doctoral students will be returned with a Instance.TYPEYR other than 1.

Reporting year TYPEYR
2010/11 2 (or 3)
2011/12 2 (or 5)

Non-standard to standard instance years

In general, students should not change between non-standard and standard academic years; the exception being where the course includes a partial year that starts and completes within one HESA reporting period. For example a student on an 18 month masters programme starting in October 2010 and running to April 2012, would be recorded as Instance.TYPEYR = 2 in the first HESA retun and Instance.TYPEYR = 1 in the second.

Reporting year TYPEYR
2010/11 2
2011/12 1

Where a postgraduate course changes from an active Instance.MODE to a writing-up Instance.MODE following the anniversary of the Instance.COMDATE in order to complete dissertation work there would also be a change from non-standard to standard. For example, a student studies a one year PGT course running from October 2010 to October 2011 and then moves into writting-up in order to complete their dissertation. For 2010/11 Instance.TYPEYR = 2 and then moves to Instance.TYPEYR = 1 in 2011/12.

Reporting year TYPEYR
2010/11 2
2011/12 1

A student completes a foundation degree in June 2008 and then undertakes a bridging course from July to September and then joins the final year of a degree which they complete in June 2009.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To show the relationship between the instance academic year and the HESA reporting year (i.e. differentiate between standard and non-standard academic years), to support population definitions and to ensure consistent counting of students where patterns of study accross HESA reporting years vary.
Part of
Field length1
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: TYPEYR
Related fields
Date modified2019-12-18
Change management notesCoverage updated to remove reference to Course.COURSEAIM valid entry Z99, Instance.FESTUMK valid entry 5, and Institution.ILRGEN valid entry 1. The 'wrapper' programme is not required as HESA will no longer be generating ILR files. Guidance has been added to clarify that Instance.TYPEYR should not be changed if a student withdraws during the year. Guidance updated to clarify that placements should not be considered when determining Instance.TYPEYR.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.