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Student 2019/20 - Major source of funding

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England

Major source of funding

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valid entries
Short nameMSFUND

This field indicates the primary source of funding for the course. This field is not necessarily the main source of finance as it excludes the tuition fee element. In the majority of cases, the source of funding will be the appropriate funding council. The predominant source of funding should be selected where there is more than one source.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

For providers in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, all courses where for any linked instance Course.REDUCEDC is 00, 01, or 04.

For instances at providers in England, all courses where Instance.FESTUMK is 2 and Course.REDUCEDC is 00, 01, or 04.

Valid entries and labels
01Office for Students
06Welsh Government DfES (including Welsh for Adults)
08Research England
13Welsh Government (WG)
14Scottish Government - Employability, Skills and Lifelong Learning Directorate
21Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
22Medical Research Council (MRC)
23Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
24Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
25Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
26Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
27Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
29Research council - not specified
31Departments of Health/NHS/Social Care
32Departments of Social Services
34Other HM government departments
35Armed forces
37Wholly NHS funded
38Partially NHS funded
39Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)
41UK public corporation/nationalised industry
42UK private industry/commerce
43UK charity (medical)
44UK charity (other)
46EU commission (EC)
51Overseas government or other overseas organisation
61Own provider
65European Research Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS)
71Joint between two sources including a funding council
72Joint between two bodies excluding a funding council
81Other funding
84Multinational organisation (non-UK based)
91Funded entirely by student tuition fees

The funding councils and DfE(NI) fund places for students or credits associated with students, most home and EC students being 'fundable' (eligible for funding).

The guidance for coding non-fundable students on funded courses should be to code to the appropriate funding council in this field and code as 2 'Not fundable by funding council' in Instance.FUNDCODE.

Code 34 'Other HM government departments' includes local government and non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) including the British Council and the Royal Society.

Codes 71 'Joint between two sources including a funding council' and 72 'Joint between two bodies excluding a funding council' should be interpreted as equal 50:50 funding between two bodies. In cases where the split is not exactly 50:50, the guidance is to code on the basis of the largest source.

Code 91 'Funded entirely by student tuition fees' will include some (but not all) 'cost recovery' courses, for example, cost recovery courses provided for particular firms might be covered by code 42 'UK private industry/commerce'. Code 91 may also cover a few 'fees only' students (in cells for which the provider receives no funding at present).

Specific guidance for providers in England

Code 31 should not be used by providers in England for courses funded by the Departments of Health/NHS/Social Care - codes 37 'Wholly NHS funded' and 38 'Partially NHS funded' should be used instead.

Nurses and Midwives at providers funded by SFC who are on courses directly funded through contracts with the Health Authorities should be coded 31 'Departments of Health/NHS/Social Care'. These are primarily courses formerly taught by the Nursing Colleges. Most other Medical, Dentistry, Nursing and Midwifery courses and courses for professions associated with medicine at SFC funded providers, will be funded through SFC and students should usually be coded 03 'SFC'.

In light of the removal of NHS bursaries for Providers in England in August 2017, for current NHS courses which have a mixture of new and continuing students, providers will need to retain the same value for MSFUND (37 or 38) until the NHS funded students become a minority on that course. However, Instance.MSTUFEE and Instance.FUNDCODE should be coded appropriately to differentiate between the funding of new and continuing students.

For example:

Continuing students

  • MSFUND=37 or 38
  • MSTUFEE = 31
  • FUNDCODE = 5

New students

  • MSFUND = 37 or 38
  • MSTUFEE = Anything applicable – excluding 31
  • FUNDCODE = Anything applicable – excluding 5

Specific guidance for providers in Wales

For providers in Wales, code 13 should be used when the primary source of funding for the course is the Welsh Government.

The all-Wales workforce function previously carried out by NLIAH has been transferred to the NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, where it will fall under the remit of the Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW). The work of HEIW includes Workforce Planning, Education Contracting, NHS Wales Careers and NHS Bursaries.

Code 31 should be used when the primary source of funding for the course is the Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW).

Specific guidance for providers in Scotland

Providers funded by SFC should note that their funding from the Council is provided for a total number of student places, and cannot necessarily be related to particular students or to particular courses. For example, if funding is provided for 80 student places, and there are 100 students whose places are eligible for funding in that funding cell, one cannot identify 20 particular people as being 'fees only' students. Nor could one identify some of the courses which are eligible for funding in that cell as being 'fully-funded' and the rest 'partially funded' or 'unfunded': the funding is for the cell as a whole, not for any specific part of it. All students on courses which are eligible for funding in the funding cell would be returned with SFC shown as the major source of funding, code 03 'SFC'.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To allow monitoring of the sources of funding for courses in order to understand the extent to which various bodies are supporting students.
Part of
Field length2
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: MSFUND
Date modified2020-02-26
Change management notesLearningDeliveryFAM entity no longer exists so guidance updated to remove for FE courses in England (where Instance.FESTUMK is 1, 3 or 4), providers should instead complete the LearningDeliveryFAM entity.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.