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Student 2019/20 - Module outcome

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England

Module outcome

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valid entries
Short nameMODOUT

This field records if the student completed the module and if so whether they gained credit or not. There should be a Module Outcome field for each module taken by the student.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All student on module records

Valid entries and labels
1Completion - gained full credit
2Completion - did not gain credit
3Partial completion (HEFCW HESES Rules)
4Student did not complete module
5Module taken on a not-for-credit basis
6Module outcome not yet known
7Not coded
9Module previously returned in error
AStudent did not complete module - gained credit
BStudent did not complete module - deferral
CCompletion - award of credit not known

Code 3 'Partial completion' is as defined in HEFCW HESES, and should be used for modules associated with full-time taught courses only.

Code 4 'Student did not complete module' includes cases where the student withdrew from the module or transferred from this module to another. Providers are advised to used codes A and B in preference to code 4 where applicable. This data may inform the development of performance indicators.

Code 5 'Module taken on a not-for-credit basis' should be used for a student who takes optional modules on a not for credit basis in addition to compulsory modules for their course.

Code 6 'Module Outcome not yet known' should be used for cases where, for example, a student was ill and has been allowed to defer.

Code 6 'Module Outcome not yet known' should be used for modules continuing into the next reporting year. StudentOnModule.MODSTAT code 3 or 6 will show that the reason that these module outcomes is not yet known is because the module is continuing into the next reporting year.

Code 7 'Not coded' is an acceptable default code for use in this field unless otherwise indicated by the provider's funding council. Providers in Wales must not use code 7. Providers in England are encouraged to complete module information on the Student Record, to enable Office for Students to take this information into account in the future distribution of funding. Office for Students include in funding additional FTE for students who are non-completers in terms of their original study intentions but who nevertheless have completed individual modules. For students who complete according to the current HESES rules there should be no funding implications in using code 7 in this field. However for students who do not complete Office for Students expect to count only modules with outcomes coded 1 or 2 in this field in funding additional FTE for partial completion.

Code 9 'Module previously returned in error' should be used to close off a module previously attached to a student but which the student never actually started. This code should be used in cases where a student changed/drops a module before it starts, possibly due to a change of course or course requirements.

Completion should be as defined by the relevant funding council. For providers in England this includes the requirement that the student either took the final module assessment or passed it.

English and NI HEPs:

APEL modules should not be returned in the Student record, this is in order to prevent confusion over genuine and APEL modules and to avoid FTE being allocated incorrectly. Please note this affects only Office for Students funded providers.

Additional guidance for: resit exams; late submission of assessments and/or results from late exam boards; students who conclude their module studies by 31 July but who have resit/first sit examinations to take, assessments to submit and/or whose final confirmation of award by exam boards may be after 31 July:

If the Module Outcome is known before the Student record data collection closes, these outcomes should where possible be included in the return reflecting both whether the student was a completion in funding terms and whether credit was awarded.

In cases where the academic outcomes are not known one of the following codes should be used:

Code B 'Student did not complete module – deferral'. This code should be used where the student did not complete the module according to Office for Students funding rules but may subsequently be awarded credit for it in a later year

Code C 'Completion - award of credit not known' should be used where the module has been assessed (and completed in Office for Students funding terms) but the result of the academic assessment is not yet known.

Code 6 'Module outcome not yet known'. This code should be used where neither the completion in Office for Students funding terms nor the academic outcome are known.

Where the award of credit is known in the next year it should be returned by submitting a record with code 4 'Taken in a previous reporting year (outcome only)' in StudentOnModule.MODSTAT.

Welsh HEPs:

The requirement to return late module outcomes is compulsory for providers in Wales. Completion of late module outcomes is optional for other providers.

The outcomes for APEL modules (coded as StudentOnModule.APEL = 1, 2) should be based on the same criteria as for other modules, i.e. if all required assessment for the module is taken, the module will be a completion, otherwise the module will be a non-completion, or, in some circumstances, a partial completion.

Scottish HEPs:

Additional guidance for: resit exams; late submission of assessments and/or results from late exam boards; students who conclude their module studies by 31 July but who have resit/first sit examinations to take, assessments to submit and/or whose final confirmation of award by exam boards may be after 31 July:

If the Module Outcome is known before the Student record data collection closes, these outcomes should where possible be included in the return reflecting both whether the student was a completion in funding terms and whether credit was awarded.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To allow monitoring of completion and achievement. Used in the calculation of module completion rates.
Part of
Field length1
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: MODOUT
Related fields

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.