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Student 2019/20 - Initiatives

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England


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valid entries

This field identifies students who are part of a specific scheme that is to be monitored independently. Valid entries will change from year to year to reflect current schemes.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

Instances at providers in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland that are part of a named scheme

Valid entries and labels
DPrimary mathematics specialist
KHigher Apprenticeship
LPrimary General (with Maths)
MMaths and Physics Chairs Programme
PAbridged ITT course
SEngineering conversion course pilot scheme
UPostgraduate Loan Eligibility
VEuropean Social Fund (ESF) Developing Scotland's Workforce (DSW) programme
XDegree Apprenticeships Development Fund
YAdditional ITT place for PE with a priority subject
ZHEFCW-funded degree apprenticeship scheme
11GO Wales Achieve through Work Experience Scheme
12Institute of Coding (IoC)
13Transition to Teach
14Now Teach
15Institute of Technology (IoT)
16Accelerated provision
17Place Supported by the SFC's Upskilling Fund

This field may be returned three times if a student falls under three schemes.

This field collects information with respect to student instances that are part of a scheme. Where a student transfers course within the same instance, Instance.INITIATIVES should continue to identify the scheme.

The field should not be used for students who might previously have undertaken an initiative as part of a different instance or at another provider.

Primary mathematics specialist

Valid entry code D Primary mathematics specialist should only be used by those providers designated to provide this course. Where this code is used in Instance.INITIATIVES Course.TTCID must be coded 1, CourseSubject.SBJCA must be coded 101085 and Instance.ITTPHSC must be coded 71-77.

Higher Apprenticeships

A Higher Apprenticeship incorporates a work-based learning programme and leads to a nationally recognised qualification at NVQ levels 4, 5, 6 or 7 or equivalent. Code 'K' is used to identify students in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland for whom the instance comprises any part of the study component of a Higher Apprenticeship Framework.

For providers in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland this code should also capture students on Degree Apprenticeships (as Degree Apprenticeships are a subset of Higher Apprenticeships).

For providers in Wales this code should capture students on Degree Apprenticeships other than those HEFCW-funded degree apprenticeships that are captured under code Z.

For more information about Higher Apprenticeships in England, see For more information about Higher Apprenticeships in Wales, see For more information on Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland, see

Primary General (with Maths)

Valid entry L 'Primary General (with Maths)' should only be used by those providers designated to provide this course for which specific courses have been assigned in the subject 'Primary General (with Maths)' by the Department for Education. Where this code is used in Instance.INITIATIVES Course.TTCID must be coded 1, CourseSubject.SBJCA must be coded 100511 and Instance.ITTPHSC must be coded 71-77.

Maths and Physics Chairs Programme

Valid entry M 'Maths and Physics Chairs Programme' should only be used by those providers with students who have entered ITT through the Maths and Physics Chairs Programme. Where this code is used in Instance.INITIATIVES, Course.TTCID must be coded 1 and Instance.ENTRYRTE must be coded 02 or 03.

More guidance can be found on the 'Get in to Teaching' website, here.


Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, ESRC and Office for Students, Q-Step has been developed as a strategic response to the shortage of quantitatively-skilled social science graduates. Students who are enrolled on programmes that are funded as part of the Q-Step programme, or derive a benefit from an activity that is funded (e.g., training, work placements), should be flagged using valid entry N 'Q-Step'.

Abridged ITT course

Code P 'Abridged ITT course', is to be used where a student is taking a course that has been shortened, but that is not classed as the Assessment Only Route.

Postgraduate Loan Eligibility

Code U 'Postgraduate Loan Eligibility' should be used to identify students at providers in England who are participating on a course that is eligible for a Postgraduate Loan for Masters or Doctoral Study. This applies to students who are on courses that are:


  • full-time, lasting 1 or 2 academic years,
  • part-time, lasting 2 to 4 academic years - no more than twice the length of the equivalent full-time course,
  • part-time for up to 3 years, where no equivalent full-time course exists.


  • Full-time or part-time, lasting 3 to 8 academic years,
  • Taught or research-based, or a combination of both,
  • Provided by a UK university with research degree awarding powers.

If more than one provider delivers the course and one is overseas, students still be eligible for the Postgraduate Doctoral Loan so long as:

  • The UK Provider is the lead institution
  • At least 50% of the study time over the whole course in the UK

This code should only be returned for Course.COURSEAIM valid entries D00, E00, L00, L99, M00, M01, M10, M11, M16, M76 or M88. M88 courses would not normally qualify for a Postgraduate Loan for Masters Study, but may do so if the course is studied part-time and the student is not eligible for undergraduate funding.

This code is intended to record where a student is on a course that are eligible for a Masters or Doctoral loan irrespective of whether the individual student is eligible or in receipt of a loan. This information cannot be ascertained from the Student Loans Company, and Office for Students need to be able to identify these students for funding.

European Social Fund (ESF) Developing Scotland's Workforce (DSW) programme

Code V should be used by Scottish providers to identify students whose places are funded through the European Social Fund (ESF)’s Developing Scotland's Workforce (DSW) programme.

Degree Apprenticeships Development Fund

Valid entry X 'Degree Apprenticeships Development Fund' should be used to identify students on a programme that has received funding from the Degree Apprenticeships Development Fund.

When code X - Degree Apprenticeships Development Fund has been returned then code K - Higher Apprenticeships must also be returned (exist) in the same Instance. However code K can exist in the absence of code X.

Additional ITT place for PE with a priority subject

From 2019/20 a new scheme will be introduced whereby providers and schools can bid for additional PE places if they are filled by students who will train in a priority subject alongside their main subject of PE.

HEFCW-funded degree apprenticeship scheme

At the request of HEFCW, an additional code has been added into the INITIATIVES field to flag instances that are part of a HEFCW-funded degree apprenticeship scheme starting in 2019/20. This is being used to monitor uptake of the scheme, characteristics of students on the scheme, and funding and delivery.

GO Wales Achieve through Work Experience

HEFCW have requested the addition of a new INITIATIVES code to capture instances in Wales that are on work placements as part of the GO Wales Achieve through Work Experience scheme being funded by HEFCW. More information can be found on the HEFCW website here.

Institute of Coding (IoC)

OfS have requested the addition of a new INITIATIVES code to monitor students who are studying as part of the Institute of Coding (IoC) initiative.

Trainsition to Teach/Now Teach

For more information please see the following links:

These are two new ITT programmes that commenced in September 2019.

These programmes offer support and guidance to anyone moving into a career in education. They are designed for people who may be interested in using their skills, knowledge and life experience to become a teacher. Each programme helps individuals to understand their options and provide practical and individualised support to assist the transition to becoming a teacher.

They are both employment based, postgraduate programmes covering eBacc subjects. The following are considered eBacc subjects:

HECOS code Subject
100417 chemistry
101038 applied chemistry
100425 physics
101060 applied physics
100425 and 100403 physics with mathematics
100403 mathematics
100184 general or integrated engineering
100366 computer science
100372 information technology
100358 applied computing
100409 geography
100320 English studies
100321 French language
100323 German language
100332 Spanish language

Institute of Technology

In order to support the competition set up by DfE that seeks to establish new Institutes of technology (IoT) providers are required to meet key performance metrics as part of the awarding of a IoT title. This is applicable to providers in England only.

Accelerated provision

This code is only valid for providers in England.

Accelerated courses provide students with the opportunity to study for a qualification over a shorter period of time than is typical, by increasing the intensity of study during the academic year. For example, a first degree being completed in 2 years instead of the usual 3 years.

Part-time courses should not be returned as accelerated provision.

Place Supported by the SFC's Upskilling Fund

SFC introduced the Upskilling Fund for 2019-20 to develop the capacity of universities to offer short, flexible provision to allow people to upskill or reskill. Guidance on the types of course and students that can be supported through this fund can be found on SFC's website, here.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required From time to time funders introduce initiatives where, for a limited period, there is a requirement to track students who are recruited under the particular initiative. In order to achieve this without having to introduce new fields to the record at short notice, or conduct additional data collections, this field will be used to flag students involved in these short-term initiatives.
Part of
Field length2
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences3
Schema components
OwnerOffice for Students/HEFCW/DfE/Scottish Government/DfE(NI)
Date modified2020-06-26
Change management notesGuidance update has been made in the 'Postgraduate Loan eligibility' section to include M76 to the list of COURSEAIM valid entries. Additional guidance added to the 'Accelerated provision' section to advise part-time courses should not be returned as accelerated provision.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.