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Student 2019/20 - Gross fee

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England

Gross fee

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Short nameGROSSFEE

This field will capture the gross fee charged, that is before any financial support from the provider such as waivers are taken into account.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

Providers in England: All instances where (Instance.FEEREGIME = 20 and Student.SSN does not exist) or Instance.FEEREGIME = 30 or (Instance.FEEREGIME = 20 and Course.COURSEAIM begins E or M (excluding M16, M22, M26, M28, M71, M73, M86 and M88)).

Providers in Wales: All instances where Instance.FEEREGIME = 20.

Providers in Scotland: All instances where Instance.FEEREGIME = 20 and Student.SSN does not exist. Optional for instances where Instance.FEEREGIME = 20 and Student.SSN exists.

Providers in Northern Ireland: All instances where Instance.FEEREGIME = 20.


The SLC will have this information for students domiciled in England, Wales and Northern Ireland who apply for student finance and for whom a Student Support Number (Student.SSN) is returned. HEPs have the option to either not return the fee fields and allow the data to be matched to SLC or optionally report this and Instance.NETFEE. For providers in Scotland, the SLC will have this information for students who are paying de-regulated tuition and so this field is optional if the Student Support Number (Student.SSN) is returned.

This field is required to be returned for all students not applying for student finance.

For providers in England, GROSSFEE for undergraduate students is compared to the fees in the Office for Students access agreements. Office for Students supply the look-up data to HESA based the details sent to them in Table 1 (full-time fee) and Table 2 (part-time fee) of the Resource Plan. It is not from the text agreement published on the Office for Students website.

If the provider provides a waiver in the form of a lower fee charged to post-2012 fee regime students then the SLC data on maximum fee for the course can be used to provide the gross fee charged.

For Welsh domiciled students in the UK, and EU domiciled students in providers in Wales, the Instance.GROSSFEE should be the fee charged before the fee grant is applied.

The Instance.GROSSFEE value returned should be the exact fee, if possible, including VAT. If the exact fee includes a decimal place it must be rounded to the nearest whole number. If the fee is a whole number it must not be rounded any further.

If a student leaves the HEP part the way through the instance year, the annualised amount for the course should be returned in Instance.GROSSFEE.

For non-standard years where it is not known which or how many modules the student will elect to take in HESA year two of the year of instance, HEPs should return the fee based on modules started in the reporting year.

For non-standard years (where Instance.TYPEYR = 2, 3, 4 or 5) the full fee for the year of instance should be returned in the reporting year within which the year of instance commences.

Example: a one year full time MPhil course runs from October to October; the total cost of the course is £10,000.

Year of programme HESA reporting year Instance.GROSSFEE
Y1 Y1 10000
Y1 Y2 0

For courses that run for more the one year and charge the fees up front, the fees should be divided between the course years.

Example: a two year part time postgraduate diploma course runs from October to October; the total cost of the course £12,000, which is charged up front.

Year of programme HESA reporting year Instance.GROSSFEE
Y1 Y1 6000
Y1/Y2 Y2 6000
Y2 Y3 0

Writing-up students who are charged an additional fee on top of the agreed fee for the course by the HEP, should include the additional fee in Instance.GROSSFEE.

Example: a student studying a one year MPhil course running from October to October overshoots the dissertation phase and continues in writing-up mode until December. The HEP charges a fee of £200 for this writing-up phase.

Year of programme HESA reporting year Instance.GROSSFEE
Y1 Y1 10000
Y1/Y2 Y2 200

Where a student repeats a term or semester in an additional year to the agreed structure of the course, HEPs should report the additional fee in Instance.GROSSFEE.

If a student with an SSN leaves the HEP part way through the instance year, the SLC will provide the annualised amount for the course in Instance.GROSSFEE.

Instances where the NHS (or another body) pays a per-capita charge equivalent to a fee should be recorded in Instance.GROSSFEE. However, where the NHS (or another body) pays a single fee that is not linked to an individual student then zero should be returned.

For institutions in England please refer to Office for Students’s guidance outlining which charges to students should be counted as tuition fees.

Instance.GROSSFEE is not required for incoming exchange students or dormant students.

For outgoing exchange students the Instance.GROSSFEE should be the fee that the student is being charged for that year.

For full year outgoing ERASMUS+ students at institutions in England Instance.GROSSFEE will be a maximum of £1,350 from 2014/15, subject to an approved access agreement.

For full year ERASMUS+ outgoing students at HEPs in other devolved administrations Instance.GROSSFEE should have no fees reported and no fees will be returned from the SLC.

For part year ERASMUS+ students the Instance.GROSSFEE should be returned with the fee that the student is being charged for that year.

This field is required to be returned for all students not applying for student finance. This field does not need to be returned for students undertaking an Apprenticeship standard or an apprenticeship framework from 1 May 2017. Where a student commenced an apprenticeship framework before 1 May 2017, GROSSFEE should be returned as 0.


A fee of £9,000 would be returned as 9000.

A fee of £7,545 would be returned as 7545.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To monitor the various fee levels, for example by subject, course type and student characteristics including their spread across the UK.
Part of
Field length6
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Date modified2020-11-13
Change management notesGuidance expanded to clarify the value of the fee that should be returned.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.