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HESA Student Record 2009/10 - Ethnicity

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HESA Student Record 2009/10

Fields required from institutions in Wales


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valid entries
Short nameETHNIC

This field records a student's ethnicity.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All students where EntryProfile.DOMICILE in the current submission as well as those previously submitted =XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01, 06 or 07

Base data typeETHNICCodeType
Field length2
Part of
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Reason required

To permit ethnicity-based analysis.

The adoption of a national classification allows for comparability of sector data with that from other areas of the economy.


It is HESA's intention to adopt national classifications where they exist and are appropriate. The use of Census 2001 ethnicity coding in the Student Record is an example of this practice.

The coding frame is that recommended by ONS for UK-wide data collection. However, there is one specific additional category: code 14 'Irish Traveller', which must be used when appropriate by institutions in Northern Ireland. This code should not be used by institutions not in Northern Ireland.

In addition, institutions in Scotland and Northern Ireland do not need to code the detail for those from mixed ethnic backgrounds. Institutions in Scotland and Northern Ireland can code all such students as 49 'Other Mixed background'.

For students entering through UCAS this information will be available from UCAS via the *J transaction with the exception of code 14.

Code 98 'Information refused' includes all cases where the information has been actively sought but is still missing.

This field is required for UK-domiciled students. Please note that this requirement is triggered if any HIN-linked instance for a student has an Entry Profile that indicates UK domicile, even if there are other, more recent, instances where the domicile at entry is non-UK.

Date modified2010-04-30
Change management notesBusiness rule 2 updated to add Instance.REDUCEDI = 06 or 07 to the coverage of the field
Business rules

Student.ETHNIC code 14 must be for an institution in Northern Ireland.


Student.ETHNIC must exist where (EntryProfile.DOMICILE exists and is coded XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM) and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01, 06 or 07.

Schema components
Element: ETHNIC
Valid entries and labels
14Irish Traveller
21Black or Black British - Caribbean
22Black or Black British - African
29Other Black background
31Asian or Asian British - Indian
32Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
33Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
39Other Asian background
41Mixed - White & Black Caribbean
42Mixed - White & Black African
43Mixed - White & Asian
49Other Mixed background
80Other Ethnic background
90Not known
98Information refused

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.