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HESA Student Record 2008/09 - Good standing marker

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HESA Student Record 2008/09

Fields required from institutions in Wales

Good standing marker

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valid entries
Short namePROGRESS

This field is used to indicate whether the student achieved the qualification aim, achieved partial success in the qualification aim, or no success.

Applicable toEngland Wales

All instances where Instance.FESTUMK = 1, 3 or 4 and where Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 02

Base data typePROGRESSCodeType
Field length1
Part of
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Related fields
Reason required

To monitor progression.


Institutions in England cannot use codes W and 6.

Institutions in Wales cannot use codes A-D.

Date modified2009-05-30
Change management notesBusiness rule 5 amended and now includes CSTAT 3 and 4, and new business rules 8 and 9 added
Business rules

Instance.PROGRESS must exist for institutions in England or Wales where Instance.FESTUMK = 1,3 or 4 and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 02


Instance.PROGRESS cannot be coded A, B, C or D by institutions in Wales


Instance.PROGRESS cannot be coded W or 6 by institutions in England


Instance.PROGRESS must be coded 9 where Instance.CSTAT = 1


Instance.PROGRESS cannot be coded 9 where Instance.CSTAT is coded 2, 3 or 4


Instance.PROGRESS must not exist for institutions in Northern Ireland or Scotland


Instance.PROGRESS must not exist for institutions in England or Wales where Instance.FESTUMK = 2


Instance.PROGRESS must be coded A, B or 7 for institutions in England where Instance.RSNEND is coded 01


Instance.PROGRESS must be coded 6 or 7 for institutions in Wales where Instance.RSNEND is coded 01

Schema components
Valid entries and labels
6FE - Learning aim achieved
7FE - Partial success
8FE - No success
9FE - Study continuing
AFE - Learning aim achieved & achievement funding is being claimed
BFE - Learning aim achieved & achievement funding is not being claimed
CFE - Exam taken but result not yet known
DFE - Learning activities are complete but the exam has not yet been taken
WFE - The student has transferred to a new learning aim. That is the student has withdrawn from this learning aim & as a direct result has at the same time started studying for another learning aim

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.