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HESA Student Record 2008/09 - Mode of study

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HESA Student Record 2008/09

Fields required from institutions in Wales

Mode of study

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valid entries
Short nameMODE

This field indicates the method by which a student is being taught their course.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All instances

Base data typeMODECodeType
Field length2
Part of
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Related fields
Reason required

To allow standard populations to be defined and financial calculations to be made


Where a student has changed their mode of study within the reporting period, the record should show the current or latest position.

With reference to code 01, the funding councils have agreed that a common definition of full-time is that course years must involve a minimum of 24 weeks study (note that this definition does not apply to full-time final year students in institutions in Wales). Each funding council may also have further additional conditions. HESA will apply the 24 week rule to its definition of full-time in publications i.e. full-time will be all those students coded 01 in this field, together with all those students coded 02 and whose expected length of study (fields Instance.SPLENGTH and Instance.UNITLGTH) is over 24 weeks.

With reference to codes 23 and 24, these programmes are covered by the definition of sandwich under the award regulations as set out by the funding council. Years of instance must involve a minimum of 24 weeks study/placement. HESA's definition of sandwich students will be all those students coded 23 or 24 in this field, together with all those students coded 25 and whose expected length of study (fields Instance.SPLENGTH and Instance.UNITLGTH) is over 24 weeks.

Code 23, Thick sandwich students are those for which an industrial (or other) placement causes a continuous absence from full-time study of at least one academic year. A record must be returned for every student enrolled on a sandwich course irrespective of whether they are in attendance at the institution or engaged in industrial training. Students should be coded as sandwich for every year of the course and not just those in which industrial experience takes place. The students who are actually out on placement can be identified via Instance.LOCSDY.

Code 24, A thin sandwich must involve the student in an average of more than 21 hours study a week for a minimum of 24 weeks study/placement.

Students who meet the definition of sandwich should be coded as either 23 or 24 (and not codes 52 or 53) irrespective of whether the year is spent abroad or is optional/compulsory.

Students who are actively writing-up are not considered to be dormant by HESA. A record is required for such students, with this field coded as 43 or 44 'Writing-up'. 'Writing-up' is generally associated with research students. Students on taught masters courses should not typically have their mode of study changed to 'writing-up', at least within the registration period, e.g. students on a one year taught masters course should be shown as full-time mode for both the taught and the dissertation phases of the course. Any change to show mode as writing-up would be expected only after the completion of the 12 month registration period.

Code 51 should be used for students on sabbatical years e.g. holding Student Union office.

Codes 52 and 53 should only be used for study related years out which count towards the course aim. Language years out that are not classed as thick sandwich programmes should be coded 53 in the year the student is abroad.

Years out for any other reason should be coded 63 or 64, Dormant.

Codes 65, 66, 68 and 69 are available to institutions in England and Wales only. Code 67 is available for institutions in Wales only.

Codes 73 and 74 are available to postgraduate students (i.e. Course.COURSEAIM begins D, E, L or M (excluding M22)) at institutions in England only. Postgraduate students who become dormant part way through the reporting year will need a full HESA record reflecting their current status as code 73 or 74. Instance.MCDATE will record the date when the postgraduate student formally moves from an active study mode to 'dormant'. Instance.STULOAD should be reduced to reflect the fact that the student was not active for the whole reporting period.

All other who become dormant part way through the reporting year (that is, all students at institutions in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland and Undergraduate and FE students at institutions in England) will need a full HESA record in the July data collection reflecting their status whilst active (i.e. the position that applied just before they became dormant). This field should record their mode of study whilst active (and not code 63 or 64 'Dormant' which should only be used for students who are dormant for the whole reporting period). Instance.STULOAD should potentially be reduced to reflect the fact that the student was not active for the whole reporting period. A student who was actively studying at sometime during the reporting period but who has now suspended studies, will have an active mode of study and will be identified through Instance.NOTACT.

Any students with a mode of study 63 or 64 'Dormant' will be excluded from the HESA standard registration population used for analysis purposes. A record is not required for such students except in the case where awards have been made to students from dormant status. Institutions with awards made in a reporting period to students not active in the reporting period should include a record for these students in the reporting period July data collection, showing mode of study 63 or 64 'dormant'. This may either be via a full record (all fields will be validated and Student FTE must be ) or through a reduced record for dormant students (only the specified fields will be validated and Student FTE will be assumed to be 0) - see dormant students reduced record.

Codes 63 and 64 for dormant can be used only if the student was not actively studying at anytime during the reporting period.

Where a student has changed their mode of study within the reporting year, the record should show the current or latest position. However students involved in re-sits after the completion of the taught or structured part of their course should not have their mode of study up-dated. For example a full-time student who finishes the courses in June but has to take resits in September should not be re-coded; whilst they were active on the course they were a full-time student.

The use of the specific full-time codes 12 to 14 is compulsory for all students at institutions in England or Wales who are following programmes of study at FE level or funded by LSC or WAG-DCELLS.

Code 31, 'Part-time' is assumed to include all the specific types of part-time study detailed in codes 32 to 35. The use of the specific part-time codes 32 to 35 (not the generic part-time code 31) is compulsory for all students at institutions in England or Wales who are following programmes of study at FE level or funded by LSC or WAG-DCELLS. In all other cases whether institutions in England, Wales or Northern Ireland use the generic or the specific part-time codes is optional.

Institutions in Scotland should use part-time codes 38 or 39.

Codes 12 -14 and 32 - 37 can only be used by institutions in England and Wales.

When using the specific part-time codes, if there is uncertainty about whether a student is released from employment, code as 34, 'Part-time, not-released from employment'.

Code 32, Block release students are those who attend full-time for a period less than 24 weeks per academic/financial year and where study,

  • is broken by a period of industrial training or employment and
  • may be additional to study on one or two days a week during another part of the session.

FE students at institutions in England and Wales only may be coded 36. All other distance learning students should be coded according to their individual mode/pattern of study, e.g. full-time or part-time.

FE students at institutions in England and Wales only may be coded 37.

Part-time courses/programmes of study which involve a mixture of day and evening attendance should be recorded under whichever of codes 32-34 is most appropriate, e.g. a day release course which also involves evening attendance should be coded 33. 'Twilight only' courses should be counted as 'evening only' and coded 35.

Where Y0/Y1/Y2 appear in business rules, these refer to the reporting period Y1-Y2 (e.g. for the 2007-08 reporting period, Y0 is 2006, Y1 is 2007 and Y2 is 2008).

Date modified2009-04-30
Change management notesNew business rule 20 added
Business rules

Instance.MODE codes 12 - 14 and 32 - 37 must not be used by institutions in Scotland and Northern Ireland


Instance.MODE cannot be coded 63 or 64 where Instance.COMDATE is in the current reporting period (i.e. on/after 01-Aug-Y1)


Instance.MODE must be coded 01, 02, 31, 63, 64, 73 or 74 by institutions in England or Wales where Course.TTCID = 1 or 8


Instance.MODE must be coded 12, 13, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 63, 64, 65, 67, 66, 68 or 69 by institutions in England or Wales where Instance.FESTUMK = 1 or 4


Instance.MODE must not be coded 01 or 02 where Instance.FESTUMK is coded 1 or 4


Instance.MODE cannot be coded 01 where Instance.REDUCEDI = 01


Instance.MODE cannot be coded 01 by institutions in Scotland where Instance.YEARLGTH is completed but less than 24


Instance.MODE cannot be coded 01 by institutions in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland where Instance.UNITLGTH = 3 and Instance.SPLENGTH = 01 to 23


Instance.MODE cannot be coded 01 by institutions in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland where Instance.UNITLGTH = 2 and Instance.SPLENGTH = 01 to 05


Instance.MODE cannot be coded 12, 13, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 65, 66, 67, 68 or 69 where Instance.FESTUMK = 2


Institutions in Scotland cannot use code 31


Institutions in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland cannot use code 67


Institutions in Scotland and Northern Ireland cannot use code 65, 66, 68 and 69


When Instance.MODE codes 73 and 74 are used the institution must be in England and Course.COURSEAIM must begin with D, E, L or M (excluding M22)


Instance.MODE must be coded 52 or 53 where Instance.LOCSDY is coded F and the institution is in England or Scotland


If Instance.SPECFEE = 1, then Instance.MODE should be coded 23 or 24 or 25


If Instance.SPECFEE = 2 or 3, then Instance.MODE should be coded 52 or 53


Instance.MODE must be coded 01, 02 or 25 for institutions in Wales where Instance.SPECFEE is coded 4 or 5


Instance.MODE must be coded 02 or 25 for institutions in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland where Instance.SPECFEE is coded 4 or 5


Instance.MODE must not be coded 23, 24 or 25 where Course.COURSEAIM is H16, I16, M16 or M86 and the first character of CourseSubject.SBJCA is 'A'

Schema components
Element: MODE
Valid entries and labels
01Full-time according to funding council definitions
02Other full-time
12FE students, full-time 30 weeks or more
13FE students, full-time 4-29 weeks
14FE students, full-time less than 4 weeks
23Sandwich (thick) according to funding council definitions
24Sandwich (thin) according to funding council definitions
25Other sandwich course/programme
32FE students, block release
33FE students, part-time, released from employment
34FE students, part-time, not released from employment
35FE students, evening only
36FE students - open or distance learning
37FE students- accredited by prior experience & learning, APL/APEL
38Structured part-time (institutions in Scotland)
39Other part-time (institutions in Scotland)
43Writing-up - previously full-time
44Writing-up - previously part-time
52Optional year out - study related
53Compulsory year out - study related
63Dormant - previously full-time
64Dormant - previously part-time
65FE students continuous delivery, day/daytime
66FE students continuous delivery, evening only
67FE students continuous delivery in the workplace
68FE students continuous delivery undefined
69FE students sandwich
73Change to dormant status - previously full-time
74Change to dormant status - previously part-time

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.