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Data quality

What do we know about technicians?

HESA and the National Technician Development Centre (NTDC) review the available data on technicians in the higher education workforce.

Getting real about graduate earnings

Analysis of trends in real earnings, accounting for inflation, for graduates responding to the first four years of the Graduate Outcomes survey.

Parental education data: Can we ever know why students might respond ‘I don’t know’?

HESA researchers explore whether family composition may be a factor that explains why some students respond with ‘I don’t know’ when asked about the qualifications attained by their parents in the UCAS form.

Keeping track: Can linking higher education records tell us anything about the quality of parental education data?

First-in-family data has been the subject of discussion within the sector over the past year. In this piece, HESA assess the quality of the parental education information we collect.

Research concludes there's no need to weight

Graduate Outcomes survey data for 2018/19 will remain unweighted following research by independent experts.

Reports on occupational coding confirm accuracy of Graduate Outcomes statistics

Two reports on the use of ONS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) in Graduate Outcomes review the quality assurance process for 2018/19 and verify the application of the updated coding system using 2017/18 data.

Quality matters: The Census and HESA Widening Participation data

HESA's Data and Innovation team use Census statistics to assess the quality of HESA's parental education and socio-economic classification data.

New HESA research asks ‘should we weight’?

Detailed research behind the decision not to apply weighting to data and statistics from the 2017/18 Graduate Outcomes survey.