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  • Financial return (2021/22 - 2022/23)

    For 2021/22 and 2022/23, the following provider has not yet been included as their data was finalised after the cut off for publication: University of Northampton

  • Financial statement (2010/11)

    The 2010/11 HESA Finance Statistics return submission is based on the following providers' draft consolidated financial statements: Aberystwyth University and Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.

  • Financial statement (2011/12)

    The 2011/12 HESA Finance Statistics return submission for the University of Glamorgan is based on the institutions' draft consolidated financial statement.

  • Financial statement (2013/14)

    The 2013/14, HESA Finance Statistics return submission for Harper Adams University is based on the institutions' draft consolidated financial statement.

  • Financial statement (2015/16)

    From 2015/16 the University Campus Suffolk has returned its own Finance data. In previous years the following is applicable:
    The Finance record for The University of East Anglia and The University of Essex include figures for income, net return, net assets and deferred capital grants for the University Campus Suffolk, which is a 50:50 joint venture between these two universities.

    The 2015/16 HESA Finance record for the following HE providers is based on the providers' draft consolidated financial statement:
    The University of Sunderland
    Heriot-Watt University
    The University of Dundee
    The University of Wales (central functions)
    The University of Winchester

  • Financial statement (2016/17)

    The 2016/17 HESA Finance record for the following HE provider is based on the providers' draft consolidated financial statement:

    The University of Greenwich

  • Financial year ends (2019/20)

    For their financial year ending in 2020, Spurgeon's College had a financial year end of 31/07/20. For their financial year ending in 2019, the financial year end was 31/08/19. Therefore, the financial year ending 31/07/20 for this provider covers an eleven month period. As such, each of these year ends appear as separate rows when the 2019/20 option in the academic year filter is selected in the open data tables.

    For their financial year ending in 2020, UCK Limited had a financial year end of 31/07/20. For their financial year ending in 2019, the financial year end was 31/08/19. Therefore, the financial year ending 31/07/20 for this provider covers an eleven month period. As such, each of these year ends appear as separate rows when the 2019/20 option in the academic year filter is selected in the open data tables.

    TEDI-London was established on 3 May 2019. For their financial year ending in 2020 the provider had a financial year end of 31/07/2020, therefore the provider’s first financial reporting period is 15 months long. In addition, the data published within the Consolidated statement of cash flows (Table 4 of the open data) has not been subject to external audit. TEDI-London is in start-up and will not receive students until September 2021.

    For their financial year ending in 2020, British Academy of Jewellery Limited had a financial year end of 30/06/20. For their previous financial year, the financial year end was 31/12/18. Therefore, the financial year ending 30/06/20 for this provider covers an eighteen month period.

    For their financial year ending in 2019, Central Film School London Ltd had a financial year end of September 2019. For their financial year ending in 2018, the financial year end was August 2018. Therefore, the financial year ending September 2019 for this provider covers a thirteen month period.

    Dartington Hall Trust do not have a financial year end that falls in the 2019/20 HESA academic year, and so are not present in the 2019/20 data.

  • Financial year ends (2020/21)

    For their financial year ending in 2021, Regent's University London Limited had a financial year end of 30/06/2021. This covered a nine month period.
    For their financial year ending in 2021, Guildhall School of Music & Drama had a financial year end of 31/03/2021. This covered an eight month period.
    For their financial year ending in 2020 Dartington Hall Trust had a financial year end of 31/08/20. For their financial year ending in 2019, the financial year end was 31/03/19. Therefore the financial year ending 31/08/20 for this provider covers a 17 month period.

    For their financial year ending in 2020 HULT International Business School Ltd had a financial year end of 30/09/2020. For their financial year ending in 2021, the financial year end was 31/07/21. Therefore the financial year ending 31/07/2021 for this provider covers a 10 month period. As such, each of these year ends appear as separate rows when the 2020/21 option in the academic year filter is selected in the open data tables.

  • Financial year ends (2021/22)

    For their financial year ending in 2021 Results Consortium Limited had a financial year end of 31/03/2021. For their financial year ending in 2022, the financial year end was 31/07/22. Therefore the financial year ending 31/07/2022 for this provider covers a 16 month period.

    For their financial year ending in 2020 The Minster Centre had a financial year end of 31/12/2020. For their financial year ending in 2022, the financial year end was 30/06/22. Therefore the financial year ending 30/06/2022 for this provider covers an 18 month period.

    For their financial year ending in 2020 The University of Law Limited had a financial year end of 30/11/2020. For their financial year ending in 2022, the financial year end was 31/05/22. Therefore the financial year ending 31/05/2022 for this provider covers an 18 month period.

  • Financial year ends 2022/23

    For their financial year ending in 2022, National Centre for Circus Arts had a financial year end of 31/07/22. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 31/08/23. Therefore this provider does not have a financial year end in the academic year 2022/23.

    For their financial year ending in 2022, London Studio Centre had a financial year end of 31/08/22. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 31/07/23. Therefore the financial year ending 31/07/23 for this provider covers an 11 month period. As such, each of these year ends appear as separate rows when the 2022/23 option in the academic year filter is selected in the open data tables. 

    For their financial year ending in 2022, Arden University had a financial year end of 31/10/22. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 31/05/23. Therefore the financial year ending 31/05/23 for this provider covers a 7 month period. As such, each of these year ends appear as separate rows when the 2022/23 option in the academic year filter is selected in the open data tables. 

    For their financial year ending in 2022, SAE Education Limited had a financial year end of 30/06/22. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 31/08/23. Therefore this provider does not have a financial year end in the academic year 2022/23.

    For their financial year ending in 2021, Brit College Limited had a financial year end of 31/12/21. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 30/06/23. Therefore the financial year ending 30/06/23 for this provider covers an 18 month period.

    For their financial year ending in 2022, ICMP Management Limited had a financial year end of 31/05/22. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 31/08/23. Therefore this provider does not have a financial year end in the academic year 2022/23.

    For their financial year ending in 2022, Pearson College Limited had a financial year end of 31/12/22. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 31/07/23. Therefore the financial year ending 31/07/23 for this provider covers a 7 month period. As such, each of these year ends appear as separate rows when the 2022/23 option in the academic year filter is selected in the open data tables.

    For their financial year ending in 2021, Applied Business Academy Limited had a financial year end of 31/12/21. For their financial year ending in 2023, the financial year end was 28/02/23. Therefore the financial year ending 28/02/23 for this provider covers an 14 month period.

  • Further Education provision included

    Hartpury University is a group with a number of subsidiary companies, one of which is a designated Further Education Institution. The data within Table 8: ‘Expenditure - breakdown by activity and HESA cost centre’ include substantial costs associated with the FE provision delivered, including at the cost centre level. This applies from 2019/20 onwards.
    The London Institute of Banking & Finance has data within Table 8: ‘Expenditure - breakdown by activity and HESA cost centre’ which include substantial costs associated with FE provision delivered, including at the cost centre level. This applies from 2020/21 onwards.
  • HE provider accounting practice (2011/12 - 2014/15)

    The University of Buckingham publishes audited accounts to 31 December each year. Consequently, the income and expenditure in this finance data is prepared from management accounts spanning two financial years, which can be reconciled to the published accounts for multiple years, e.g. 2013 and 2014 for 31 December 2013.

    Guildhall School of Music and Drama is owned and run by the City of London Corporation and does not produce their own balance sheet, statement of total recognised gains and losses, or cash flow statement.

  • Head of provider remuneration (2019/20)

    The University of East London incorrectly returned £8k under ‘Taxable benefits – Subsidised accommodation’ of Table 11 instead of ‘Performance related pay and other bonuses’ in relation to the head of provider in post at the financial year end 2019/20. The correct value for ‘Performance related pay and other bonuses’ is £8k, and ‘Taxable benefits – Subsidised accommodation’ is £24k for this head of provider.

    The University of Essex incorrectly returned £24k under ‘Taxable benefits – Subsidised accommodation’ of Table 11 instead of ‘Non-taxable benefits – Living accommodation’ in relation to the head of provider in post at the financial year end 2019/20.

  • Head of provider remuneration pay multiples (2020/21)

    The pay multiples shown in Table 11 of the open data do not match those in The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama's financial statements. The provider has confirmed that the ratios shown here are correct, and will be restated in next year's financial statements.
  • Head of provider total remuneration

    The head of provider total remuneration shown in Table 11 does not match that reported in The University of Sheffield’s financial statements. The figures reported here are overstated. The correct figures are:

    Year ended 31 July 2020
    Pension contributions £60k
    Total remuneration £350k

    Year ended 31 July 2021
    Pension contributions £61k
    Total remuneration £351k

  • Head of providers start and end dates - Table 11 (2017/18)

    Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance recorded incorrect start and end dates of service within Table 11 of the FInance record in 2017/18 for their Heads of providers.

    The correct dates are as follows:

    Head of provider at 31 July 2018

    • Year ended 31 July 2018
      • Start date of service (YYYYMMDD) - 20180108

    Previous Head of provider (1)

    • Year ended 31 July 2018
      • End date of service (YYYYMMDD) – 20170915
  • Head of the provider's basic salary divided by the median pay (2018/19, 2019/20)

    In Table 11 of the published Finance tables the data for Glasgow Caledonian University head of the provider's basic salary divided by the median pay (salary) has been suppressed. The correct ratio for the head of provider at financial year end 2019/20 is 5.2 and the correct ratio for the head of provider at financial year end 2018/19 is 5.3.

  • HESA Finance return (2015/16)

    In 2015/16, Heythrop College did not complete a HESA Finance Return.

    Estates management Finance Finances (in Estates Management Record)
  • Income data - Table 7, 2015/16

    In 2015/16, The University of Sunderland incorrectly reported some figures within the Finance record Table 7, section 4. The correct figures are as follows:

    • 4 Other income
      • 4a Other services rendered
        • 4ai BEIS Research Councils, UK central government/local authorities, health and hospital authorities, EU government bodies £1,805K
        • 4aii Other £71K
      • 4e Other grant income £3,370K
      • 4h Other operating income £3,082K
    Finance Income
  • Intangible assets (2015/16)

    In 2015/16, the University of the West of England, Bristol incorrectly reported their fixed assets as intangible assets. This has been corrected in the restated figures captured within the 2016/17 submission. This has had an impact on the sector figures for intangible assets and has resulted in a large percentage change between the years.

    2015/16 return (£ thousands)
    Fixed assets - 0
    Intangible assets - 582,474

    Restated 2016/17 return (£ thousands)
    Fixed assets - 582474
    Intangible assets - 0

