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Data intelligence


  • Full-time postgraduate student qualifier numbers (2021/22)

    In 2021/22, The University of Glasgow reported an increase in the number of full-time postgraduate qualifications compared with the previous year. There were 12,195 such qualifications reported in 2021/22 compared with 5,685 in 2020/21. This was due to the fact that the completion of around 4,000 awards from the 2020/21 academic year were delayed until the following year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Postgraduate taught student enrolments (2021/22)

    In 2021/22, The University of Glasgow saw an increase in postgraduate taught enrolments of 4,495. Of the increase, 3,975 were due to a delayed start in 2020/21 as an impact of the pandemic and were therefore reported in the 2021/22 academic year.

  • Student enrolments (2021/22)

    In 2021/22, by agreement between the University of Northampton, HESA/JISC and the OfS, because of data quality concerns in relation to students at a partner organisation, around 700 student records were excluded from this return.
