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  • Data Futures readiness survey

    Melanie Ross

    Communication Officer

    We recently carried out the Data Futures readiness survey to help us learn more about how providers are preparing for in-year collection, and how we can best inform and update them. We received 138 responses, providing us with vital feedback that will ensure we can address queries from providers now as we head into the Alpha pilot and towards implementation and transition.

  • Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Longitudinal survey


    The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Longitudinal survey captures information about the activities and perspectives of graduates three and a half years after they completed their studies. Our report analyses the 107,340 responses we received to the winter 2016/17 survey which contacted 2012/13 leavers.

    open-data   Open data licence: CC-BY-4.0
  • 93% of 2012/13 graduates in work or study three and a half years later

    Press Officer

    Results of a survey of graduates three and a half years after graduation shows that 87.5% of UK domiciled graduates were in employment (including work and further study), 5.8% were in further study only and 2.2% were assumed to be unemployed. Of those UK domiciled graduates in employment, 84.1% were in professional jobs. The median salary of UK domiciled leavers in full-time paid employment was £27,000 after three and a half years

  • Thoughts on in-year data collection: what’s next for Data Futures?

    Rob Phillpotts

    Managing Director HESA Statutory

    As the end of the detailed design phase approaches, Programme Director Rob Phillpotts discusses in-year data collection and the opportunity for innovation in higher education.

  • Changes in undergraduate student numbers between 2008/09 and 2015/16

    Press Officer

    The Sunday Times front page article, “Universities take foreign students ahead of British” (6 August 2017), discussed changes in UK domiciled undergraduate student numbers between 2008/09 and 2015/16. The article has prompted significant commentary on social media – including discussion of the data that HESA holds on student numbers.

  • Collection Governance: feedback from Scotland

    Alex Leigh

    Alex Leigh


    The Collection Governance project team visited Scotland to meet with the Institutional Group on Statistics and discuss the current consultation on a Code of Practice (CoP) for data collectors.

  • The Data Matters conference: Collaborating to advance UK higher education

    Daniel Kidd

    Dan Kidd

    Head of Training & Consultancy

    The upcoming Data Matters conference reflects the long-held spirit of collaboration in the continual search for improvement which separates the UK HE sector from most others. The conference is a further opportunity for us all to share practice and learn from one another, to establish new networks in the changing landscape, and to achieve our common goal of advancing UK higher education.  

  • Understanding the burden of data collection

    Andy Youell

    Director of Data Policy & Governance

    Andy Youell discusses how the Collection Governance project is deepening our understanding of data collection across the HE sector, to provide options for greater efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Graduates' employment

    Press Officer

    Further results of the 2015/16 survey reveal that 74.8% of employed UK and EU domiciled leavers from full-time courses were in 'professional' jobs. 58.7% were employed on a permanent or open-ended contract and 24.3% on fixed-term contracts.

  • Destinations of undergraduate leavers from higher education at alternative providers in England 2015/16

    Statistical First Release

    The first publication of graduate destinations data from alternative providers shows: 75% of first degree leavers from alternative providers (APs) were in work; 72% of foundation degree leavers were in further study; 11% of HND/HNC leavers were unemployed.

    open-data   Open data licence: CC-BY-4.0
