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  • Insight 2000

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) has released the first edition of Insight: A Statistical Guide to Undergraduate Study. As a guide for education advisors and potential students alike, Insight provides invaluable factual information on the UK higher education sector, including contextual statistics, institutional profiles, information on entry qualifications and student destinations upon leaving HE. Insight 2000 draws data from the 1997/98 academic year, includes academic expenditure per FTE student, and is HESA’s first publication containing student:staff ratios.

  • 1997/98 Higher education statistics for the UK published by HESA

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in conjunction with the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE), today releases the publication Higher Education Statistics for the United Kingdom 1997/98. Combining HESA data with that provided by the University and Colleges Admission Service, the Open University, the Further Education Funding Councils and the DfEE, this publication provides a valuable profile of the UK HE sector for 1997/98.

  • HESA publishes first destinations data 1997/98

    Press Officer

    The fourth annual reference volume First Destinations of Students Leaving Higher Education Institutions 1997/98 is published today by HESA.

    According to these most recent statistics available from HESA, 63% of student qualifiers whose destination was known entered employment in 1998. As in the previous year, a further 19% were continuing their education or training. There was a decrease in the numbers assumed to be unemployed, from 6% in 1996/97 to 5%. Of the 119,541 UK domiciled first degree graduates who entered employment, 30% were employed in ‘professional occupations’ and 17% as ‘managers and administrators’.

  • 1997/98 HE student data published by HESA

    Press Officer

    Students in Higher Education Institutions 1997/98 is published today by HESA. The volume contains detailed statistical information about the student body of the UK higher education sector.

    Figures from this latest HESA publication show 1,800,064 students following HE programmes at 174 UK HE institutions in the academic year 1997/98. 78.5% of these were studying at undergraduate level, with 899,719 full-time first degree students making up almost 50% of the total student population. There were a further 89,670 part-time students making up a first-degree total of 989,389. 53.1% (955,338) of all students were women, and 11.8% (213,264) were from overseas.

  • First destinations of higher education students in the United Kingdom for the academic year 1997/98

    Press Officer

    This Press Notice has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) statisticians. It provides details of the first destinations of students obtaining higher education (HE) qualifications in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the whole of the United Kingdom (UK) during the academic year 1997/98. In addition, summary data for previous academic years from 1994/95 onwards are included for comparative purposes.

  • 1997/98 HE Finance and Staff Figures Published

    Press Officer

    Resources of Higher Education Institutions 1997/98 is published today by HESA. The volume contains detailed statistical information about the institutional finances and academic staff of the UK HE sector.

    Figures from this latest HESA publication show the total income of institutions amounted to £11.61 billion, an increase of 5.1% compared with the previous year. Institutions reported a 7.4% increase in income received from research grants and contracts (£1.7 billion in total), other operating income increased by 6.0% to £2.2 billion, while funding councils grants amounted to £4.5 billion showing an increase of 3.1%. Total expenditure in 1997/98 increased by 4.0% from the previous year to a total of £11.3 billion, with expenditure on interest payable and depreciation increasing by 6.7% and 5.4% respectively. Staff costs represented 57.2% of total expenditure, a slight % decrease from 1996/97.

  • Student enrolments on higher education courses at publicly funded higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 1998/99

    Press Officer

    This Press Notice has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) jointly with Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) statisticians. It provides provisional estimates of the numbers of student enrolments on higher education (HE) courses at higher education institutions (HEIs) in the United Kingdom, for the academic year 1998/99.

  • Qualifications obtained by and examination results of higher education students at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 1997/98

    Press Officer

    This Press Notice has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) statisticians. It provides provisional details of qualifications obtained by and examination results of higher education (HE) students at HE institutions (HEIs) in the United Kingdom for the academic year 1997/98.

  • A quantitative overview of HE in 1996/97

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) today releases the publication, Higher Education Statistics for the United Kingdom, 1996/97. Combining its own data with that provided by the University and Colleges Admission Service, the Student Loans Company, the Open University, the Further Education Funding Councils and the Department for Education and Employment, the Agency has successfully drawn together a valuable profile of the UK HE sector for 1996/97.

    Figures for 1996/97 highlight the continuing development of UK higher education. There were a total of 1,978,089 HE level enrolments in 1997, 1,756,179 at HE institutions and a further 221,910 at FE institutions, 127,568 academic staff and a sector income of £11.1 billion. There were over 1 million first degree students, with 33% of all students being part-time. Of the 255,620 first degree qualifiers, 48% passed with first or upper-second classifications. Only 6% of qualifiers of known destination were assumed unemployed, with 62% entering employment in 1996/97.

  • HESA publishes student first destinations data

    Press Officer

    The third annual reference volume, First Destinations of Students Leaving Higher Education Institutions 1996/97, is published today by HESA.

    According to HESA's latest publication, 62% of student qualifiers whose destination was known, entered employment in 1997, compared with 61% in 1996. A further 19% were continuing their education or training, while only 6% (14,800) were assumed to be unemployed; 6% among males compared with 5% of females.
