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  • HESA appeals to 2002/03 graduates to tell their stories

    Press Officer

    This month HESA launches an ambitious project to track the careers of 65,000 graduates three and a half years after they left higher education.

    This study, which will be conducted by a partnership of IFF Research Ltd. and YouGov Plc, will be the first time that systematic longitudinal tracking of UK graduates has been attempted on such a large scale. It builds on the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey, which is carried out by higher education institutions six months after graduation.

  • Statistical overview of higher education

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency’s latest publication, “HE Statistics for the United Kingdom 2004/05” is released today. It is prepared in conjunction with the Government Statistical Service and provides an official overview of the UK’s higher education sector using HESA data. It also contains information from a wide-range of other bodies such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Student Loans Company, the Office for National Statistics and UCAS.

  • HESA announces its first longitudinal survey of graduate destinations

    Press Officer

    This month HESA launches an ambitious project to track the careers of 65,000 graduates three and a half years after they left higher education.

    This study, which will be conducted by a partnership of IFF Research Ltd. and YouGov Plc, will be the first time that systematic longitudinal tracking of UK graduates has been attempted on such a large scale.

    It builds on the Destinations of Leavers from HE survey, which is carried out by higher education institutions six months after graduation. In lengthening the time period to over three years, the study will provide educationalists and policy makers with evidence of the type of benefits that higher education can bring in the longer term and enable them to plot early graduate career trajectories.

  • 73.6% of full-time HE leavers enter employment

    Press Officer

    Of the 258,420 full-time leavers who completed HESA’s Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey, 73.6 per cent (73.6 per cent in 2003/04) had found employment. The number of leavers who were undertaking further study was 60,960 or 23.6 per cent (23.9 per cent). Of these, 21,750 were working whilst studying; this figure is included within the above employment figure. 15,385 or 6.0 per cent (5.9 per cent) were assumed to be unemployed.

    The data is published in the Higher Education Statistics Agency’s latest publication Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education, 2004/05, released this week.

  • 2004/05 Performance Indicators released

    Press Officer

    Following the recommendations of the National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education, the Government asked the four UK higher education funding bodies (HEFCE, HEFCW, SHEFC and DELNI) to develop suitable indicators and benchmarks of performance in the higher education sector. The Performance Indicators Steering Group (PISG) was established, with membership drawn from government departments, the funding councils and representative bodies. PISG defines the specification and develops the Performance Indicators. They are calculated and published on their behalf by the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

  • Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2004/05

    This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), in collaboration with Department for Education and Skills (DfES) statisticians. It provides details of the destinations of leavers from higher education (HE) who obtained qualifications in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the United Kingdom (UK), during the academic year 2004/05. The data presented draws on the 2004/05 Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) record.

  • Latest staff data

    Press Officer

    This press release looks at data from the HESA Staff Record. There are three types of staff collected within this record: academic staff, non-academic staff and atypical staff. The HESA Staff Record in its new form was introduced in 2003/04 and the compulsory collection of data on atypical staff from 2004/05. Unless otherwise stated the text of this release refers to non-atypical staff.

    In 2004/05 there were 346,305 staff at institutions in the UK HE sector. 160,655 staff, or 46.4 per cent, were recorded as academic staff.

  • Foundation degree first years up 25%

    Press Officer

    This press release looks at students studying below first degree level – termed by HESA as “other undergraduates”. Data in this press release relates to UK domiciled students only.

  • £18 billion income for the higher education sector

    Press Officer

    The higher education sector had a total income of £18.0 billion in the 2004/05 academic year compared to £16.9 billion in 2003/04.

  • 6.1% increase in overseas students for 2004/05

    Press Officer

    In 2004/05, the total number of students domiciled from countries outside of the UK increased by 6.1 per cent from 300,055 to 318,400. The previous year-on-year increase was 9.0 per cent.
