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  • Staff in Higher Education Institutions 2009/10

    Press Officer

    The new electronic publication, Staff in Higher Education Institutions 2009/10 is published today by HESA. This new publication replaces the former 'Resources of HE Institutions' printed product which addressed both staff and financial data.

    Staff in Higher Education Institutions 2009/10 shows that there were 181,595 academic staff employed at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) on 1 December 2009. Of these, 44% were female, up from 41.9% four years previously. 12.0% of academic staff were from an ethnic minority compared to 10.7% in 2005/06. Nearly a quarter (24.0%) of academic staff in 2009/10 were of non-UK nationality.

  • Students in Higher Education Institutions 2009/10

    Press Officer

    The new fully electronic, instantly downloadable, Students in Higher Education Institutions 2009/10 is published today by HESA. The new publication includes more data, in an easier to use format than previous paper and CD volumes.

  • Staff at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom 2009/10

    This is the first release of data from the 2009/10 HESA staff record.

    On 1 December 2009 there were 387,430 staff employed in the HE sector, showing an increase of 1% from 1 December 2008. 181,595 (46.9%) were academic professionals compared to 179,040 (46.8%) in 2008.

  • Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at higher education institutions in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2009/10

    This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) in collaboration with statisticians from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), the Scottish Government (SG) and the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DEL(NI)). It has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. It provides details of student enrolments and qualifications obtained by higher education (HE) students at HE institutions (HEIs) in the United Kingdom (UK) for the academic year 2009/10. Additionally for the first time this year the SFR includes information from the HESA Aggregate Offshore Record. This record captures students studying wholly outside the UK who are either registered with the reporting institution or who are studying for an award of the reporting institution.

  • HESA reference volume published today Higher Education Statistics for the UK 2008/09

    Press Officer

    The HESA reference volume Higher Education Statistics for the UK 2008/09 is published today. The publication provides the official overview of the UK's higher education sector in 2008/09. The publication contains data from HESA, the Student Loans Company, OECD, UCAS and the Labour Force Survey. It has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.

    Comparing today's figures to data from five years ago shows a clear picture of the growth of higher education in the UK. The total number of students at UK HE institutions grew by 7% over the five years from 2.2 to 2.4 million. The number of non-UK domicile students increased by 22% for undergraduate students and by 27% for postgraduates over the same period.

  • HESA Destinations of Leavers from HE Institutions 2008/09 reveals more first degree graduates entering further study

    Press Officer

    The HESA reference volume Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Institutions 2008/09 is published today. The publication provides detailed results of the Destinations of Leavers from HE survey, which asks graduates what they are doing six months after graduation.

    When compared with last year's statistics, the publication shows that fewer graduates entered employment, more went into further study, and a higher proportion were unemployed.

  • UK HE stats iPhone and mobile web apps released

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) has made it easier than ever to access information about UK universities and HE colleges. The new mobile applications, aimed at HE professionals, policy makers, the press, and anyone else with an interest in higher education, place key information at users' fingertips.

  • Performance Indicators - Employment of graduates 2008/09

    Press Officer

    The second set of Performance Indicators in Higher Education in the UK 2008/09 is published today.

  • Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2008/09

    This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), in collaboration with statisticians from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG), the Scottish Government (SG) and the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DEL(NI)). It has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. It provides details of the destinations of leavers from higher education (HE) who obtained qualifications in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the United Kingdom (UK), during the academic year 2008/09. The data presented draws on the 2008/09 Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) record.

  • HESA reference volume published today Resources of Higher Education Institutions 2008/09

    Press Officer

    The HESA reference volume Resources of Higher Education Institutions 2008/09 is published today. Comparison with previous years' data reveals that the proportion of academic staff employed on fixed-term contracts has declined between 2004/05 and 2008/09.
