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  • HESA welcomes new Code of Practice for HE data collections

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) today welcomes the launch of a new Code of practice for higher education data collections. The Code of Practice has been prepared by the UK higher education funding bodies to ensure clarity and ease of reference regarding the principles that HE providers need to adhere to in order to safeguard data standards

  • What 2013/14 graduates did next

    Press Officer

    73% of 2013/14 UK domicile full-time first degree graduates said that working was their most important activity, up from 70% of 2011/12 leavers. Of those working, 69% were in professional occupations, compared to 65% two years ago.

  • Review of data on destinations and outcomes for leavers from HE

    Press Officer

    The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) is today announcing a review of the data it collects on destinations and outcomes for leavers from Higher Education.

    The review will examine current and future requirements for information about student and graduate destinations and outcomes, and consider the potential for replacing the current DLHE (Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education) survey in order to provide data to meet the evolving needs of a wide range of users, while reducing the burden of data collection.

  • 2013/14 UK Performance Indicators - Employment of Graduates

    Press Officer

    Indicators for employment of leavers are published today on our website. The full tables show the indicators for every HE provider in the UK alongside their benchmark.

  • Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education in the United Kingdom for the academic year 2013/14

    This Statistical First Release (SFR) has been produced by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), in collaboration with statisticians from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Welsh Government (WG), the Scottish Government (SG) and the Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DEL(NI)). It has been released according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. The SFR provides details of the destinations of UK and other European Union domiciled leavers from higher education (HE) who obtained qualifications in higher education providers (HEPs) in the United Kingdom (UK), during the academic year 2013/14. The data presented draws on the 2013/14 Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey and presents time series analysis relating back to 2011/12 when the revised DLHE survey was introduced.

  • Bike week

    Press Officer

    Bike Week 2015 is encouraging people to use their bikes to cycle to work. Our Estates management record (EMR) collects information about the total number of cycle spaces at higher education providers and an estimated percentage of students and staff who travelled to and from their providers by bicycle. Note it is not mandatory for providers to return this information to HESA but in practice the majority do (149 of the 159 returned data in 2013/14).

  • Walk to work week

    Press Officer

    On 7 May 2015 we released the Estates management record for 2013/14. This record collects standardised, reliable and useful property information for managers to aid understanding of current performance, promote sharing of best practice and drive improvements.

    On the topic of Walk to Work Week, the Estates management record usefully includes an estimated percentage of students and staff who travel to and from the HE provider. Note it is not mandatory for providers to return this information but in practice they often do.

  • Paul Clark joins HESA as new Chief Executive

    Press Officer

    Paul Clark, HESA's new Chief Executive, takes up his post today, Monday 11 May 2015.

    Paul has joined HESA from Universities UK, where he was Director of Policy. He was responsible for overseeing the full range of higher education policy development at UUK, coordinating priorities and shaping the future policy agenda on behalf of member institutions.

  • Breakdown of £29.4 billion expenditure

    Press Officer

    Finances of Higher Education Providers 2013/14 shows that UK HE providers had a total expenditure of £29.4 billion in 2013/14. £11.4bn (38.7% of the total) was spent through academic departments. Medicine, dentistry and health departments accounted for 8.9% of total expenditure.

  • Over 4,600 new graduate start-ups in 2013/14

    Press Officer

    The HE Business and Community Interaction (HE-BCI) Survey is completed by all publicly funded UK higher education providers and the results show the extent to which providers are embedded in the economy and communities of the UK. The HE-BCI publication, released today, displays the full survey results for every UK HE institution. This release provides the headline results for the UK and for each devolved administration.
