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Graduate Outcomes open data repository

HE Graduate Outcomes Data

Some tables were updated on 4 July 2024. See 2021/2022 Graduate Outcomes data error for details.

We publish a wide range of tables and charts about graduate outcomes.

About this release

This release is the annual first release of Graduate Outcomes survey data and covers UK higher education providers (HEPs) and further education colleges (FECs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Data is collected approximately 15 months after HE course completion.

Graduate Outcomes is a survey, which first commenced with the 2017/18 academic year's graduate population. It is conducted differently from previous surveys and produces different information. These statistics are not directly comparable with the results of the earlier Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey.

​Following an assessment from the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR), the Graduate Outcomes data publication has been awarded Official Statistics Accreditation. Please see the Graduate Outcomes data awarded official statistics accreditation and OSR report for more detail.

Accompanying this release is more detailed information about the outcomes of graduates from higher education, including outcomes by HE provider, this can be found in our Graduate Outcomes open data repository. A suite of supporting information for the Graduate Outcomes publications can be found in the form of a user guide. This contains the Graduate Outcomes quality report providing the most comprehensive assessment currently available on the quality of the data, including on uses and users of the data. A history and background to the survey and information about the survey design is available in the methodology statement and further detail on approaches and standards for dissemination is available in the dissemination section of the methodology statement.

All tables and charts include a link underneath allowing you to download the data you see on screen, including filters, and will also include a link to download the complete source data as a machine-readable CSV file.

This page provides a comprehensive list of all of the tables and charts that we have published. Some tables contain too much data to be displayed in the interactive tables. To address this, the latest two years are available in the online tables with all years available in the CSV download files. Where this applies, it is indicated in the table description.

Basic definitions

Please see the definitions for further explanations of the terms used in this release.

What are confidence intervals?

Given that we are reporting on a subset of graduates from the total target population in this survey (i.e. those who responded to the survey – the sample), we cannot be completely certain that any statistics we create from that sample are exactly the same as the statistics we could have created if every single graduate in our target population had responded. A confidence interval gives us a statistical way to indicate a range of values within which we can be reasonably confident the ‘true’ (i.e. total population) value would fall. For Graduate Outcomes data, 95% confidence intervals are used which means that there is a 95% chance that the interval calculated from the sample covers the true value. The width of the confidence interval gives some idea about how precise an estimated value is: the wider the range from the stated percentage, the less the precision. More information on confidence intervals and survey weighting is available in the methodology statement.

What is the ‘combined’ subject area?

Combined is only used for students on courses which do not specify a subject specialism. The majority of students in the combined subject area study at The Open University.

On this page: Graduate Outcomes related publications | HE provider tables | Graduates' activities and characteristics | Graduates in work | Personal characteristics | Previous study characteristics | Graduates' salaries | Graduates' reflections on activity | Graduates' subjective wellbeing | Survey and respondent attributes | Graduate Outcomes archive

Graduate Outcomes related publications

HE Graduate Outcomes Data

Use the text-boxes above each area below to restrict the tables and figures to the items you need

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Graduate Outcomes tables by HE provider

The data in this section display various aspects of the survey responses at provider level.

Item Source data
Table 1 - Graduate activities by provider and sex

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, sex and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 2 - Graduate activities by provider and age group

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, age group and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 3 - Graduate activities by provider and disability

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, disability and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 4 - UK domiciled graduate activities by provider and ethnicity

UK domiciled graduate activities by provider, country of provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, ethnicity and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 5 - Response rates by provider

Response rates by provider, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained and academic year

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Table 6 - Graduate activities by provider

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 8 - Graduate reflections by provider

Graduate reflections by provider, country of provider, domicile, activity, interim study and academic year

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Table 19 - Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider

Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work type marker and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 22 - Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider

Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work type marker and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 26 - UK domiciled graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by provider and salary band

UK domiciled graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by provider, salary band, mode of former study, provider type, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Table 28 - Graduate activities by provider and subject area of degree

Graduate activities by provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, subject area of degree and academic year

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Graduates' activities and characteristics

Graduates report what they were doing during the census week in relation to employment, study and other activities. The data in this section displays these activities by other factors such as their domicile, the provider they studied at, whether that study was full- or part-time as well as other characteristics.

Item Source data
Figure 1 - Graduate outcomes by activity

Graduate outcomes by activity and academic year

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Figure 4 - Graduate outcomes by activity and domicile

Graduate outcomes by activity, domicile, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study and academic year

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Figure 5 - Graduate outcomes by activity and personal characteristics

Graduate outcomes by activity, sex, age group, disability status, ethnicity, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained and mode of former study, interim study and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Figure 6 - Outcomes of undergraduate UK domiciled full-time graduates by participation characteristics

Outcomes of undergraduate UK domiciled full-time graduates by low participation neighbourhood marker, state school marker, socio-economic classification, parental education, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification, interim study and academic year

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Figure 8 - Graduates running own business, self-employed/freelancing or developing a portfolio by domicile

Graduates running own business, self-employed/freelancing or developing a portfolio by domicile, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and academic year

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Figure 9 - Graduate activity by classification of first degree

Graduate activity by classification of first degree, provider type, interim study, mode of former study, sex and academic year

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Figure 10 - Graduate outcomes by subject area of degree and activity

Graduate outcomes by subject area of degree, activity, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study and academic year

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Figure 13 - Percentage of graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by salary band and personal characteristics

Percentage of graduates in full-time paid work in the UK by salary band, sex, age group, ethnicity marker, disability marker, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and academic year

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Figure 17 - Graduate reflections

Graduate reflections by country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, activity and academic year

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Figure 18 - Graduate reflections on activities

Graduate reflections on activities, country of provider, domicile and provider type, level of qualification obtained and academic year

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Table 1 - Graduate activities by provider and sex

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, sex and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 2 - Graduate activities by provider and age group

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, age group and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 3 - Graduate activities by provider and disability

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, disability and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 4 - UK domiciled graduate activities by provider and ethnicity

UK domiciled graduate activities by provider, country of provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, ethnicity and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 6 - Graduate activities by provider

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study and academic year

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Table 8 - Graduate reflections by provider

Graduate reflections by provider, country of provider, domicile, activity, interim study and academic year

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Table 9 - Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and sex

Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, domicile, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, sex and academic year

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Table 10 - Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and age group

Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, domicile, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, age group and academic year

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Table 11 - Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and disability

Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, domicile, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, disability and academic year

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Table 12 - UK domiciled graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and ethnicity

UK domiciled graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, ethnicity and academic year

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Table 24 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by personal characteristics and salary band

UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by personal characteristics, salary band, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Table 27 - Graduates in further study by subject area of former degree and level of qualification aimed for in further study during census week

Graduates in further study by subject area of former degree and level of qualification aimed for in further study during census week, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, mode of further study and academic year

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Table 28 - Graduate activities by provider and subject area of degree

Graduate activities by provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, subject area of degree and academic year

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Chart 3 - Graduates’ reflection on activity by classification of first degree

Graduates’ reflection on activity by classification of first degree, country of provider, domicile, provider type, activity, mode of former study and academic year

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Chart 10 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by activity

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by activity, provider type and academic year

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Chart 12 - Graduates' reflection on activity by salary band

Graduates' reflection on activity by salary band, country of provider, domicile, provider type, skill group, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, activity and academic year

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Chart 15 - Reflections of graduates working for an employer in the UK by employment contract basis

Reflections of graduates working for an employer in the UK by contract basis, country of provider, provider type, skill group, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Chart 16 - Graduates’ reflection on activity by subject area of degree

Graduates’ reflection on activity by subject area of degree, country of provider, provider type, activity, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Graduates in work

The tables and charts below show information about graduates working in the UK during the census week. This includes breakdowns by employment basis, industry, occupation, and location of work.

Work definitions

Please see the definitions for further explanations of the terms used in this release.

What is the work population marker?

The ‘work population marker’ allows you to view data either based on all graduates who report one or more work-based activities, or alternatively to focus on those graduates who state that one of these activities is their most important activity. Whether you choose to use data for graduates where work is an activity or focus on just those where work is a most important activity will depend on your intended use for the statistics.

What is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)?

The UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (SIC) is used to classify industries by the type of activity they do. Graduates are asked what their employer makes or does. This information is coded using the SIC2007 coding frame. The codes are grouped together for publication. See Standard Industrial Classification: SIC2007 for the full list of codes and how they are grouped together.

What is the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC)?

The UK Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system is used to classify workers by their occupations. Jobs are classified by their skill level and content. Graduates are asked what their job title is. This information is coded using the SOC2020 coding frame. The codes are grouped together for publication. See Standard Occupational Classification: SOC2020 for the full list of codes and how they are grouped together. Major groups 1 to 3 are grouped together as 'Highly skilled'. Major groups 4 to 6 are grouped together as 'Medium skilled' and 7 to 9 are grouped as 'Low skilled'.

What is the work type marker?

The 'work type marker' allows you to filter the data by the type of work the graduate reported as being their most important activity.

Item Source data
Figure 2 - Median salaries of full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK

Median salaries of full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK

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Figure 7 - Employment basis of graduates working for an employer in the UK by level of qualification obtained

Employment basis of graduates working for an employer in the UK by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, domicile, provider type, mode of former study, work type marker and academic year

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Figure 8 - Graduates running own business, self-employed/freelancing or developing a portfolio by domicile

Graduates running own business, self-employed/freelancing or developing a portfolio by domicile, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and academic year

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Figure 11 - Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree

Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker, work type marker and academic year

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Figure 12 - Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree

Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker, work type marker and academic year

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Figure 13 - Percentage of graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by salary band and personal characteristics

Percentage of graduates in full-time paid work in the UK by salary band, sex, age group, ethnicity marker, disability marker, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and academic year

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Figure 14 - Median salary of UK domiciled full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and skill marker

Median salary of UK domiciled full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and skill marker

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Figure 15 - UK domiciled graduates entering work in the UK by region of domicile, region of provider and region of work

UK domiciled graduates entering work in the UK by region of domicile, region of provider, region of work

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Figure 16 - UK domiciled graduates entering work in the UK by region of domicile, region of provider and region of work

UK domiciled graduates entering work in the UK by region of domicile, region of provider, region of work and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 19 - Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider

Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work type marker and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 22 - Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider

Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work type marker and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 23 - Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by standard occupational classification

Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by standard occupational classification, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker, work type marker and academic year

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Table 24 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by personal characteristics and salary band

UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by personal characteristics, salary band, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Table 26 - UK domiciled graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by provider and salary band

UK domiciled graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by provider, salary band, mode of former study, provider type, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Table 30 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and salary band​

UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree, salary band, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Chart 13 - Graduates in UK work by main reason for taking the job and skill group

Graduates in UK work by main reason for taking the job, skill group, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker, work type marker and academic year

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Chart 14 - Graduates working for an employer in the UK by qualification required for the job and skill group

Graduates working for an employer in the UK by qualification required for the job, skill group, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work type marker and academic year

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Chart 15 - Reflections of graduates working for an employer in the UK by employment contract basis

Reflections of graduates working for an employer in the UK by contract basis, country of provider, provider type, skill group, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Personal characteristics

The data in this section displays the activities of graduates by personal characteristics such as their sex, age, disability status, ethnicity and participation characteristics such as low participation neighbourhood marker, state school marker, socio-economic classification and parental education.

Item Source data
Figure 5 - Graduate outcomes by activity and personal characteristics

Graduate outcomes by activity, sex, age group, disability status, ethnicity, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained and mode of former study, interim study and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Figure 6 - Outcomes of undergraduate UK domiciled full-time graduates by participation characteristics

Outcomes of undergraduate UK domiciled full-time graduates by low participation neighbourhood marker, state school marker, socio-economic classification, parental education, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification, interim study and academic year

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Figure 9 - Graduate activity by classification of first degree

Graduate activity by classification of first degree, provider type, interim study, mode of former study, sex and academic year

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Figure 13 - Percentage of graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by salary band and personal characteristics

Percentage of graduates in full-time paid work in the UK by salary band, sex, age group, ethnicity marker, disability marker, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and academic year

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Table 1 - Graduate activities by provider and sex

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, sex and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 2 - Graduate activities by provider and age group

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, age group and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 3 - Graduate activities by provider and disability

Graduate activities by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, disability and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 4 - UK domiciled graduate activities by provider and ethnicity

UK domiciled graduate activities by provider, country of provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, ethnicity and academic year. CSV contains additional years of data

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Table 9 - Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and sex

Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, domicile, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, sex and academic year

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Table 10 - Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and age group

Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, domicile, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, age group and academic year

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Table 11 - Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and disability

Graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, domicile, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, disability and academic year

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Table 12 - UK domiciled graduate activities by level of qualification obtained and ethnicity

UK domiciled graduate activities by level of qualification obtained, country of provider, provider type, mode of former study, interim study, ethnicity and academic year

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Chart 7 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by sex

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by sex, provider type and academic year

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Previous study characteristics

The data in this section shows graduates’ activities broken down by the characteristics of their higher education studies. This includes the subject they studied and whether the study was full- or part-time. The tables include a filter to include or exclude graduates who had undertaken further study between graduation and the survey census week.

Previous study definitions

Please see the definitions for further explanations of the terms used in this release.

What is interim study?

The census point of the survey is at 15 months after graduation which means that many graduates may have undertaken other qualifications such as Master’s degrees during this period. At the point of the survey some may only just be completing those further qualifications. The interim study filter allows you to include or exclude graduates who are likely to have spent most of the 15 month period in full-time study from tables and charts. Whether you choose to include or exclude these graduates will depend on your intended use for the statistics. For example, if you are assessing the rates of unemployment of graduates it may not be fair to compare graduates who are likely to have spent most of the 15 months in the labour market with those who have only recently entered the labour market. In this example it may be more sensible to exclude graduates who have spent most of the 15 months in full-time study.

What is the ‘combined’ subject area?

Combined is only used for students on courses which do not specify a subject specialism. The majority of students in the combined subject area study at The Open University.

Item Source data
Figure 9 - Graduate activity by classification of first degree

Graduate activity by classification of first degree, provider type, interim study, mode of former study, sex and academic year

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Figure 10 - Graduate outcomes by subject area of degree and activity

Graduate outcomes by subject area of degree, activity, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study and academic year

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Figure 11 - Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree

Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker, work type marker and academic year

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Figure 12 - Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree

Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker, work type marker and academic year

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Figure 14 - Median salary of UK domiciled full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and skill marker

Median salary of UK domiciled full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and skill marker

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Table 27 - Graduates in further study by subject area of former degree and level of qualification aimed for in further study during census week

Graduates in further study by subject area of former degree and level of qualification aimed for in further study during census week, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, mode of further study and academic year

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Table 28 - Graduate activities by provider and subject area of degree

Graduate activities by provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, interim study, subject area of degree and academic year

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Table 29 - Response rates by subject of study

Response rates by subject area of degree, country of provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Table 30 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and salary band​

UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree, salary band, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Chart 16 - Graduates’ reflection on activity by subject area of degree

Graduates’ reflection on activity by subject area of degree, country of provider, provider type, activity, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Chart 17 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by subject area of degree

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by subject area of degree, provider type, level of qualification obtained and academic year

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Graduates' salaries

The tables and charts below show information about the salaries of graduates in full-time paid UK employment where the currency paid is British pounds. Salary data reported through the Graduate Outcomes survey has been cleaned, and the results below exclude outliers within the data. More information about salary outliers and why the data has been cleaned can be found in the analysis section of the methodology statement and definitions.

Item Source data
Figure 2 - Median salaries of full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK

Median salaries of full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK

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Figure 13 - Percentage of graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by salary band and personal characteristics

Percentage of graduates in full-time paid work in the UK by salary band, sex, age group, ethnicity marker, disability marker, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and academic year

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Figure 14 - Median salary of UK domiciled full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and skill marker

Median salary of UK domiciled full-time graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and skill marker

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Table 24 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by personal characteristics and salary band

UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by personal characteristics, salary band, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Table 26 - UK domiciled graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by provider and salary band

UK domiciled graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by provider, salary band, mode of former study, provider type, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Table 30 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and salary band​

UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree, salary band, country of provider, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, skill group, work population marker and academic year

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Chart 12 - Graduates' reflection on activity by salary band

Graduates' reflection on activity by salary band, country of provider, domicile, provider type, skill group, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, activity and academic year

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Graduates' reflections on activity

Graduates were asked three questions to summarise their feelings about their activities at the time of the survey (these questions are commonly referred to as graduate voice questions). The following tables display responses to these questions.

Item Source data
Figure 17 - Graduate reflections

Graduate reflections by country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, activity and academic year

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Figure 18 - Graduate reflections on activities

Graduate reflections on activities, country of provider, domicile and provider type, level of qualification obtained and academic year

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Table 8 - Graduate reflections by provider

Graduate reflections by provider, country of provider, domicile, activity, interim study and academic year

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Chart 3 - Graduates’ reflection on activity by classification of first degree

Graduates’ reflection on activity by classification of first degree, country of provider, domicile, provider type, activity, mode of former study and academic year

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Chart 12 - Graduates' reflection on activity by salary band

Graduates' reflection on activity by salary band, country of provider, domicile, provider type, skill group, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, activity and academic year

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Chart 15 - Reflections of graduates working for an employer in the UK by employment contract basis

Reflections of graduates working for an employer in the UK by contract basis, country of provider, provider type, skill group, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Chart 16 - Graduates’ reflection on activity by subject area of degree

Graduates’ reflection on activity by subject area of degree, country of provider, provider type, activity, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Graduates' subjective wellbeing

The Graduate Outcomes survey asks four questions that were developed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to measure people’s own assessment of their general wellbeing. The same questions are used by ONS and other survey organisations across many social surveys. More information on the banding of responses can be found in the definitions.

Item Source data
Chart 7 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by sex

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by sex, provider type and academic year

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Chart 8 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by classification of first degree

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by classification of first degree, provider type, mode of former study and academic year

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Chart 9 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by domicile

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by domicile, country of provider, provider type and academic year

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Chart 10 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by activity

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by activity, provider type and academic year

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Chart 17 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by subject area of degree

Graduates' subjective wellbeing by subject area of degree, provider type, level of qualification obtained and academic year

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Survey and respondent attributes

These tables detail how many graduates took the survey and whether it was completed fully or partially.

Item Source data
Figure 3 - Response rates to the Graduate Outcomes survey by domicile and mode of former study

Response rates to the Graduate Outcomes survey by domicile, mode of former study and academic year

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Table 5 - Response rates by provider

Response rates by provider, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained and academic year

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Table 29 - Response rates by subject of study

Response rates by subject area of degree, country of provider, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and academic year

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Graduate Outcomes archive

Graduate Outcomes SOC 2020 update: UK, 2017/18

In 2017/18 a one-off analysis piece was published to detail the comparison of SOC2010 to SOC2020.

Item Source data
Figure 1 - Comparison of SOC 2010 and SOC 2020 Major Group Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK

Comparison of SOC 2010 and SOC 2020 Major Group Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK

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Figure 2 - Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree

Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK by subject area of degree, country of provider, domicile, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and work type marker

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Figure 3 - Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK by provider and skill marker

Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK by provider, skill marker, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and work type marker

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Figure 4 - Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK by provider

Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications for graduates entering work in the UK by provider, country of provider, domicile, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study and work type marker

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Figure 5 - Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications of graduates entering work in the UK by Standard Industrial Classification

Comparison of Standard Occupational Classifications of graduates entering work in the UK by Standard Industrial Classification, provider type, level of qualification obtained, mode of former study, work population marker and work type marker

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Why are some table numbers missing from this contents list?

Some previously published tables have not been updated this year but instead replaced with new tables. Most of these tables contained data using previous classifications such as the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2010 framework.

We want to allow our users to have the ability to continue accessing data under these older frameworks whilst also providing access to updated data based on more recent classifications such as the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2020 framework.
Tables that have not been updated this year can be seen in the Graduate Outcomes Archive section at the end of the contents of releases.

Graduate Outcomes archived publications

These are tables that have not been updated but replaced by new tables shown above. The tables in this list use older coding frames for subject of study (JACS3.0) and occupational classification (SOC2010) that were in place for earlier surveys.

Item Source data

Table 7 - Standard occupational classification of graduates entering work in the UK by provider

This table is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Table 22 from 2018/19

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Table 13 - Outcomes of undergraduate UK domiciled full-time graduates by participation characteristics

This table is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Figure 6 from 2018/19

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Table 14 - Standard industrial classification of graduates entering work in the UK by standard occupational classification

This table is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Table 23 from 2018/19

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Table 15 - Graduates in further study by subject area of former degree and level of qualification aimed for in further study during census week

This table is discontinued after 2018/19 and has been replaced by Table 27 from 2019/20

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Table 16 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by personal characteristics and salary band

This table is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Table 24 from 2018/19

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Table 17 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and salary band​

This table is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Table 25 from 2018/19

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Table 18 - UK domiciled graduates who obtained first degree qualifications and entered full-time paid employment in the UK by provider and salary band

This table is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Table 26 from 2018/19

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Table 20 - Graduate activities by provider and subject area of degree

This table is discontinued after 2018/19 and has been replaced by Table 28 from 2019/20

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Table 21 - Response rates by subject of study

This table is discontinued after 2018/19 and has been replaced by Table 29 from 2019/20

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Table 25 - UK domiciled graduates in full-time paid employment in the UK by subject area of degree and salary band​

This table is discontinued after 2018/19 and has been replaced by Table 30 from 2019/20

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Chart 1 - Graduates’ reflection on activity by subject area of degree

This chart is discontinued after 2018/19 and has been replaced by Chart 16 from 2019/20

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Chart 2 - Graduates' reflection on activity by salary band

This chart is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Chart 12 from 2018/19

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Chart 4 - Graduates in UK work by main reason for taking the job and skill group

This chart is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Chart 13 from 2018/19

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Chart 5 - Graduates working for an employer in the UK by qualification required for the job and skill group

This chart is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Chart 14 from 2018/19

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Chart 6 - Reflections of graduates working for an employer in the UK by employment contract basis

This chart is discontinued after 2017/18 and has been replaced by Chart 15 from 2018/19

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Chart 11 - Graduates' subjective wellbeing by subject area of degree

This chart is discontinued after 2018/19 and has been replaced by Chart 17 from 2019/20

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Graduate Outcomes

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