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Enhanced Coding Frames

Please note that the data published on this page is currently only for the 056 data stream, however, other future data streams will also be introduced to this page when applicable.

Coding Frames contain a list of all valid entries (sometimes referred to as ‘codes’) pertaining to the subject of the coding frame along with the corresponding label associated with each valid entry. For example, the Y_COUNTRY coding frame contains a list of all country identifiers used asa valid entry for any HESA collected field.

Coding frames can have one or more fields associated with them. It may be that not all valid entries on the coding frame are permitted in all associated fields. For example, in the Y_COUNTRY coding frame, the valid entry ‘AA’ [Stateless] is permitted in field ‘Student_NATION, but not in the field ‘OffVenueActivity_COUNTRY’.

Collected Fields

Collected fields are fields which contain data which is obtained from providers as part of a HESA collection. All valid entries for collected fields which are part of a coding frame are contained within the coding frame (however, as explained in the introduction to this web page, not all the valid entries in the coding frame may be associated with every collected field that is part of that coding frame.

Derived Fields

Derived field short names all carry the prefix Z_

Coding frames which contain valid entries exclusively for derived fields are prefixed Z_, while coding frames which contain valid entries for collected fields or for both collected fields and derived fields are prefixed Y_.

Coding frames which contain a derived field as a field associated with that coding frame associate valid entries to that field either as valid entries that are native to that coding frame, or as valid entries which are inherited by that coding frame from the valid entries for a grouping which is an enhancement to that, or another, coding frame.

For example, the valid entries for the field StudentCourseSession_Z_MODESCSGRP2 which is associated with the Z_MODE coding frame are inherited from the grouping GRP_FullPartTimeGrouping2 which is an enhancement of the coding frame Y_SCSMODE. So all the grouping valid entries of GRP_FullPartTimeGrouping2 are also the valid entries for the field StudentCourseSession_Z_MODESCSGRP2.

Coding Frame Enhancements

In each coding frame, as well as the valid entries, associated labels and field applicability (is the valid entry permitted for each field that is include in the coding frame) a coding frame can, optionally, contain a number of enhancements as part of the “enhanced coding frame”. Enhancements can be either ‘Groupings’ or ‘Markers’. Groupings and markers are used to classify coding frame valid entries into groups.


Markers carry the value of either Y or N. For example, in the Y_COUNTRY coding frame the marker MRK_InEuropeanEconomicArea is populated for each country code that forms the coding frame valid entry list with either a Y or an N. This allows for validation rules, derived fields and other analysis to easily test whether a code returned as a valid entry for any field in that coding frame represents a country for which the marker definition is true.


Grouping, like markers, allow for validation rules, derived fields and other analysis to easily test whether a code returned as a valid entry for any field in that coding frame is within a particular defined group. For example, in the coding frame Y_COUNTRY, the grouping GRP_CountryGrouping1, contains grouping valid entries (codes) and associated labels 01 [England], 02 [Geographic region –Africa], 03 [Geographic region –Asia], ... etc. Thus, further analysis of a valid entry returned can be carried out based upon the world region associated with that valid entry.

Downloadable data

Data pertaining to coding frame valid entries and, where selected, associated grouping valid entries and markers, can be downloaded via the button below each results table

Please note that for ease of machine readability and ingestion of this data into other databases or systems and in line with HESA’s commitment to open data principles downloadable files are provided in CSV format.

When opening these files directly in Excel it maybe that Excel automatically convert some data into an inappropriate data type. For example, Excel may render CAH codes in the format 01-02-03 as a date. If this issue is experienced, download the file to a local folder then, rather than opening the CSV file in Excel via File | Open, use the data import function, taking care to select the data type of ‘text’ for the relevant columns.

Enhanced Coding Frame Search

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Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.