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Downloadable File / Delivery File Structures

This page contains the draft specification of the Enriched data file in HDP and the output files which will be delivered to the HESA data warehouse and Statutory Customers following each collection.

The majority of files represent a single entity in the collection with derived fields appended, where applicable.

Where there are one-to-one mappings between entities, these have been combined into a single file, such as StudentEngagement which includes data from Student, Engagement, EntryProfile, Leaver and CollaborativeProvision.

In addition, the StudentEngagement file includes some information from the Student Course Session entity, based on the latest StudentCourseSession returned in the submission, where applicable.

Course, Qualification, Venue, SessionYear and Module information will only be supplied where there is a StudentCourseSession or QualificationAwarded entity associated with it and is included in the same file.

The entities included within each file are listed in the summary information displayed for each file.

Derived entities have been created for Engagement subject and Engagement cost centre.

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Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.