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Initial Teacher Training record 2024/25

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Version 1.0 Produced 2024-05-08


The HESA Initial Teacher Training record has been collected from 2008/09 onwards from constituent higher education providers (HEPs) in England who submit to the HESA Student return, which provide courses (Initial Teacher Training (ITT)) leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).

Planned changes to how HEPs submit teaching training data

2024/25 is the final year that providers will be reporting the Initial Teacher Training record to HESA. From the 2025/26 collection cycle, HEPs will be able to submit data directly to the Register service through an API (a piece of software). In addition, there will be options for bulk upload to Register and manual data input.

If you have questions about the 2025/26 ITT collection in the meantime, please contact the team at [email protected].

Record specific detail

This data is collected for census and funding purposes for the Department for Education (DfE), and also used by the DfE in the allocation of Teacher Reference Numbers (TRNs). Full details of the coverage can be found in the coverage of the record document in the coding manual.

Data collected

The Initial Teacher Training record collects data about the personal characteristics of new and continuing ITT students and the details of the course(s) that they are enrolled on. A full list of the data items collected can be found in the data items document in the coding manual page.

Data for the record is collected in-year, therefore reporting throughout the period on activity which is taking place in the current academic year. The HESA Data Collection System opens at the beginning of September, and providers are required to have sent a full and verified set of data to HESA by the deadline for submission at the end of October, although updates can made to data throughout the year. There are several deadlines which providers must achieve as part of the submission process and these are detailed in the data collection schedule document in the coding manual. It is important that providers work to the set deadlines in order to complete the return on time and ensure data quality.

Data collection

All HESA records are collected on the basis of the HESA reporting period, which determines the period of time the data being returned relates to. This ensures consistency across the data streams collected. The reporting period is from 01 August in year 1 to 31 July in year 2. For example, the 2024/25 Initial Teacher Training record is collected in respect of the activity which has taken place between 1 August 2024 and 31 July 2025.

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.