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Provider profile 2024/25 - Proportion of an academic HESA cost centre from a particular department

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Provider profile 2024/25

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Proportion of an academic HESA cost centre from a particular department

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Short namePROPDEPT

This field records the proportion of an academic HESA cost centre that is attributable to a particular department.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

Compulsory for Approved (fee-cap) higher education providers (HEPs) in England. Compulsory for all HEPs in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Approved HEPs in England that choose to return the academic department to HESA cost centre mapping. Not required for HEPs in Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Approved HEPs in England that choose not to return the mapping.


The cost centres referred to in this field are the HESA-defined cost centres.

This field records the proportions of an academic cost centre in terms of the contributing departments, i.e. what percentage of an academic cost centre is from a given department.

Not all departments will map to one academic cost centre, and not all academic HESA cost centres may feature staff from only one department.

For that reason, the data collected for each academic cost centre/department mapping includes:

  • AcademicCostCentres.PROPACC: the proportion of the department present in a specified academic cost centre
  • AcademicCostCentres.PROPDEPT: the proportion of an academic cost centre which can be said to be attributable to a particular department.

AcademicCostCentres.PROPDEPT exists to record the composition of an academic cost centre where more than one department contributes to it.

In the example below, there are two departments and two HESA cost centres. The 'History' cost centre is comprised only of staff from the 'Department of Ancient History'. The 'Classics' cost centre, however, is populated 33.3:66.7 between the 'Department of Ancient History' and 'Department of Classical Studies':

  • The 'History' cost centre to Department of Ancient History mapping has a PROPDEPT value of 100% - all of that cost centre maps to the department.
  • The 'Classics' cost centre to Department of Ancient History mapping has a PROPDEPT value of 33.3%% - a third that cost centre maps to the department.
  • The 'Classics' cost centre to Department of Classical Studies mapping has a PROPDEPT value of 66.7% - two thirds of that cost centre maps to the department.

The value in this field can be recorded to one decimal place and must be between 0 and 100. The length of this field is 5 characters, however data may be returned with or without leading zeros or the decimal place (e.g. 005.0 or 5.0 or 5).

For Approved HEPs in England and HEPs in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland wishing to make a return of academic department to cost centre mappings, the minimum requirement for such a return is that for each mapping, the fields AcademicCostCentres.ACCENTRE, AcademicCostCentres.DEPARTMENT, AcademicCostCentres.PROPACC and AcademicCostCentres.PROPDEPT must all be returned.

Further guidance regarding the calculating of proportions is available in the further guidance on calculating proportions document.

Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required To record department splits across a higher education provider (HEP).
Part of
Field length5
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Data type: PERCENTType

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