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Quality Rules Directory for C23071

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Version 1.0 Produced 2024-05-01

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  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.01

    At least one email should normally exist where GRADSTATUS = null and a telephone number has been returned
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.04

    No email address or telephone numbers have been returned for the graduate 
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.05

    An EMAIL must not exist where GRADSTATUS is 01 - Deceased, 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone OR 03 - Serious illness
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.09

    It is normally expected that a graduate would have at least one email that doesn't end in
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.10

    An identical email address has been returned for at least 2 different graduates in this cohort
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.11

    An identical email address has been returned which has been used by a different graduate in a previous cohort. This different graduate could have been at your or another provider
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.12

    An email address has been returned that HESA believes is not a personal email address or whose email domain is invalid.
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.13

    It is expected that where there are 50 graduates or more in the cohort where GRADSTATUS = null and HOMEEUOS equal to 3 that 95% or more of these graduates would have at least one email returned (EMAIL).
    Provider Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.14

    It is normally expected that where there are 50 or more graduates in the cohort where GRADSTATUS = null that there would be 10% or less of these graduates returned by a provider who only have email addresses ending in
    Provider Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.EMAIL.15

    It is expected that where there are 50 graduates or more in the cohort where GRADSTATUS = null that 97% or more of these graduates would have had either an email or telephone number returned.
    Provider Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.FEPUSID.01

    No FEPUSID has been returned where the provider is an FE college
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.FEPUSID.02

    FEPUSID returned does not match the FEPUSID returned in the Graduate Outcomes population
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.FEPUSID.03

    The same FEPUSID has been returned for more than one graduate in the file
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.FNAMES.01

    The forename returned does not match the forename in the Graduate Outcomes population
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.FNMECHNGE.01

    It is normally expected that FNMECHNGE would be different to the value returned in FNAMES
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.GRADSTATUS.01

    It is expected that less than 5% of your graduates would be returned with a GRADSTATUS = 01 - Deceased or 03 - Serious illness
    Provider Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.GRADSTATUS.02

    It is expected that less than 5% of your graduates would be returned with a GRADSTATUS = 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone
    Provider Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.GRADSTATUS.03

    It is normally expected that where GRADSTATUS = 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone that the country would be inside the UK (COUNTRY equal to XF, XG, XH, XI OR XK)
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.GRADSTATUS.05

    This graduate has been returned with a GRADSTATUS = 02. Please contact Liaison to confirm the graduate cannot be contacted by any other means due to extenuating circumstances. Postal addresses should not be used where it has not been possible to gain a telephone number or email.
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.HOMEEUOS.01

    UKTEL and INTTEL data items must not be returned for graduates whose HOMEEUOS = 3 (Overseas)
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.INTTEL.01

    INTTEL must not be returned where GRADSTATUS is 01 - Deceased, 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone or 03 - Serious illness
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.INTTEL.06

    INTTEL should start with '00' and be at least 10 digits. Incorrectly formatted telephone numbers may result in the graduate being not contactable which could impact response rates
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.PostalAddress.01

    A POSTALADDRESS must not be returned for a graduate whose GRADSTATUS is not equal to 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.PostalAddress.02

    POSTALADDRESS must exist where GRADSTATUS = 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone and country is inside the UK (COUNTRY equal to XF, XG, XH, XI OR XK)
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.PostalAddress.04

    The address data returned is insufficient to allow the survey to be delivered by post.
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.SID.01

    No SID has been returned for the graduate
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.SID.02

    The SID returned does not match the SID returned in the Graduate Outcomes population
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.SID.04

    The same SID has been returned for more than one graduate in the file
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.SNAMECHNGE.01

    It is normally expected that SNAMECHNGE would be different to the value returned in SURNAME
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.SURNAME.02

    The surname returned in the file does not match the surname in the Graduate Outcomes population
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKMOB.04

    UKMOB must not be returned where GRADSTATUS is 01 - Deceased, 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone or 03 - Serious illness
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKMOB.07

    A UK mobile number must start with 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 076, 077, 078 or 079 and have at least 10 digits
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKMOB.09

    HESA has submitted this mobile number to an external mobile number validator, and it appears that this is no longer a valid or working mobile number.
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKMOB.10

    It is normally expected that where GRADSTATUS = null and HOMEEUOS not equal to 3 and an EMAIL has been returned that at least one telephone number would also be returned (INTTEL, UKMOB OR UKTEL)
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKMOB.12

    It is expected that where there are 50 graduates or more in the cohort where GRADSTATUS = null and HOMEEUOS not equal to 3 and an EMAIL has been returned that 90% or more of these graduates would have at least one telephone number returned (INTTEL, UKMOB OR UKTEL).
    Provider Warning
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKMOB.13

    It is expected that where there are 50 graduates or more in the cohort where GRADSTATUS = null and HOMEEUOS = 1 that 90% or more of these graduates would have at least one mobile telephone number returned (UKMOB).
    Provider Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKTEL.03

    UKTEL must not be returned where GRADSTATUS is 01 - Deceased, 02 - Not contactable by email or telephone or 03 - Serious illness
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Graduate.UKTEL.08

    UK land-line telephone numbers must start with 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08 or 09 and have at least 10 digits
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Provider.CENSUS.01

    The CENSUS you have returned in the file does not match the survey period CENSUS of the cohort you are returning the file to
    Structural Error
  • QR.C23071.Provider.Graduate.03

    A telephone number has been returned that HESA believes is not a personal telephone number
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Provider.Graduate.04

    An identical UK mobile number (UKMOB) has been returned for at least 2 different graduates in this cohort.
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Provider.Graduate.05

    An identical UK landline (UKTEL) or international telephone number (INTTEL) has been returned for at least 2 different graduates in this cohort.
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Provider.Graduate.06

    An identical UK mobile number (UKMOB) has been returned which has been used by a different graduate in a previous cohort. This different graduate could have been at your or another provider. .
    Record Error
  • QR.C23071.Provider.Graduate.07

    An identical UK landline (UKTEL) or international telephone number (INTTEL) has been returned which has been used by a different graduate in a previous cohort. This different graduate could have been at your or another provider.
    Record Warning
  • QR.C23071.Provider.UKPRN.01

    The UKPRN returned in the file does not match your Provider UKPRN
    Structural Error

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.