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Discover Uni 2023/24 - Course title - Welsh

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Discover Uni 2023/24

Fields required from institutions in All fields

Course title - Welsh

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Short nameTITLEW

This field records the title of the course in Welsh.

Applicable toWales

All KISCourses where provider is in Wales.


The text provided in this field will be used together with the KISCourse.KISAIM and the KISCourse.HONOURS fields as the title on the full Discover Uni website and widget (information box) when displayed in Welsh. It should be consistent with the course title used on your website.

This field should exist for providers in Wales, and must not exist for providers in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland.

This field should not include the qualification aim or the honours provision of the course. These should be returned in KISCourse.KISAIM and the KISCourse.HONOURS fields.

Please note, this field is required for all courses submitted to the Unistats return.

KISCourse.TITLE was previously optional to return for the below KISCourse.KISAIM valid entries. Please see suggested course titles for these course qualification aims for Welsh providers only:

KISCourse.KISAIM valid entry Label Suggested KISCourse.TITLE
025 BVetMed Milfeddygaeth
026 BVMS Milfeddygaeth
027 BVSc Gwyddor Filfeddygol
039 LLB Y Gyfraith
044 MBBCh Meddygaeth
045 MBChB Meddygaeth
083 BMBS Meddygaeth
085 BVMBVS Milfeddygaeth
086 BVMedSci Milfeddygaeth a Llawfeddygaeth Filfeddygol

Additionally, KISCourse.KISAIM 198 - MLP has been added to the coding frame for C21061. The suggested KISCourse.TITLE is Gradd Meistr y Gyfraith ac Ymarfer y Gyfraith.

This field should be completed with natural capitalisation only, see the example below for further guidance

Example - Hanes Canoloesol BA (Anrh)

  • KISCourse.TITLE: 'Medieval History' - natural capitalisation only.
  • KISCourse.TITLEW: 'Hanes Canoloesol' - natural capitalisation only. (Welsh providers only)
  • KISCourse.KISAIM: 000 'BA'
  • KISCourse.HONOURS: 1 'This is an honours (Hons) degree course'

Valid characters

The valid character-set available for this field follows the Data Standards in the HESA student record.

  • The general policy is to support all Latin-based characters for names, addresses and general text fields, but not non-Latin characters.
  • All Unicode code charts for Latin characters are supported. These are Basic Latin (excluding the C0 control characters), Latin-1 (excluding the C1 control characters), Latin Extended A, Latin Extended B and Latin Extended Additional. This set corresponds to Unicode code points U+0020 to U+007F, U+00A0 to U+024F and U+1E00 to U+1EFF.
  • Schemas are built in such a way that an individual project can further restrict the set if required.

Please note that this field excludes non-breaking spaces, tabs, carriage return, line feed, form feed and vertical tab characters, as these will affect formatting.

The character set chosen will support Welsh and Gaelic languages as well as all European and most other languages using a Latin-based character set.

The Unicode charts that list each of the characters in this range can be found on the Unicode web site. The specific sets that are defined here are shown in the following PDF documents:

Files must be encoded with UTF-8 and schema validation will be in place to ensure this. Providers must specify the encoding used in their XML files in the first line of the file (i.e. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>) and to ensure that their files are actually saved with that encoding. If XML files are edited with some text editors and the encoding is not specified or does not match the actual file encoding, there may be problems when submitting these files for validation.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To enable consistent display of course titles on the Discover Uni website.
Part of
Field length255
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: TITLEW
Data type: TITLEType

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.