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HESA Graduate Outcome record 2021/22

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File structures for downloadable files - Survey results

Version 1.0 Produced 2023-08-09

The tables contain the following types of field:

  • INSTANCEKEY, GRADUATEKEY and ILRKEY are unique keys within the database and are used to link records across tables
  • Derived fields, prefixed with an X or Z, are standard ways of grouping data. View details of the derived field specifications.
  • The ADDITIONALINFORMATION field may be used to capture row level supporting information to aid data users.

CORE table

Field name Description Field length
GRADUATEKEYGraduate key10
INSTANCEKEYInstance key13
ZEMPSICSOCKEYKey for the employment activity to enable linking to the SIC / SOC table10
ZBUSSICSOCKEYKey for the business employment activity to enable linking to the SIC / SOC table10
RECIDRecord type indicator5
SIDStudent identifier17
UKPRNUK Provider reference number8
NUMHUSStudent instance identifier20
FEPUSIDFE Unique student identifier12
ACTCHECKActivity check2
ALLACT01Activity - Paid work for an employer1
ALLACT02Activity - Self-employment/freelancing1
ALLACT03Activity - Running my own business1
ALLACT04Activity - Developing a creative, artistic or professional portfolio1
ALLACT05Activity - Voluntary/unpaid work for an employer1
ALLACT06Activity - Engaged in a course of study, training or research1
ALLACT07Activity - Taking time out to travel - this does not include short-term holidays1
ALLACT08Activity - Caring for someone (unpaid)1
ALLACT09Activity - Retired1
ALLACT10Activity - Unemployed and looking for work1
ALLACT11Activity - Doing something else1
HEPCONProvider contact2
HOMECOUNTRYHome country5
MIMPACTMain activity2
EMPBASISEmployment basis2
EMPCITYEmployer city100
EMPCOUNTRYEmployer country5
EMPCURRENCYSalary currency3
EMPDUTIESEmployer duties750
EMPINTENSITYEmployment intensity2
EMPNAMEEmployer name100
EMPPCODEEmployer postcode100
EMPPCODE_UNKNOWNEmployer postcode unknown1
EMPPLOCEmployer location2
EMPYEAREmployment length4
JOBDUTIESJob duties750
JOBRSNMAINMain reason for taking the job2
JOBTITLEJob title100
MULTIJOBMultiple jobs2
NHSORGNHS organisation2
QUALREQQualification required for the job2
SALARYSalary annually10
BUSEMPCITYBusiness, self-employment or portfolio employer city100
BUSEMPCOUNTRYBusiness, self-employment or portfolio employer country5
BUSEMPDUTIESBusiness, self-employment or portfolio employer duties750
BUSEMPINTENSITYBusiness, self-employment or portfolio intensity2
BUSEMPNAMEBusiness, self-employment or portfolio employer name100
BUSEMPPCODEBusiness, self-employment or portfolio employer postcode100
BUSEMPPCODE_UNKNOWNBusiness, self-employment or portfolio employer postcode unknown1
BUSEMPPLOCBusiness, self-employment or portfolio employer location2
BUSJOBDUTIESBusiness, self-employment or portfolio job duties750
BUSJOBRSNMAINBusiness, self-employment or portfolio main reason for taking the job2
BUSJOBTITLEBusiness, self-employment or portfolio job title100
STUCOUNTRYStudy country5
STUINTENSITYStudy intensity2
TYPEQUALType of qualification2
UCNAMEUniversity or college UKPRN8
FURSTUFurther study since graduating2
PREVCOURSENUMPrevious number of courses2
PREVINTENSITY1Previous course intensity 12
PREVINTENSITY2Previous course intensity 22
PREVINTENSITY3Previous course intensity 32
PREVTYPEQUAL1Previous type of qualification 12
PREVTYPEQUAL2Previous type of qualification 22
PREVTYPEQUAL3Previous type of qualification 32
PREVUCNAME1Previous university or college UKPRN 18
PREVUCNAME2Previous university or college UKPRN 28
PREVUCNAME3Previous university or college UKPRN 38
ACTMEANActivity meaningful2
ACTONTRACKActivity on-track2
ACTSKILLSActivity skills2
STUMEANStudy meaningful2
STUONTRACKStudy on-track2
STUSKILLSStudy skills2
WRKMEANWork meaningful2
WRKONTRACKWork on-track2
WRKSKILLSWork skills2
XACTIVITYGraduate Outcomes activity2
XACTMEANActivity is meaningful2
XACTONTRACKActivity is on track2
XACTSKILLSActivity utilises skills2
XBUS2007SICSelf-employment - Standard Industrial Classification 20074
XBUS2007SIC1Self-employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 1 digit1
XBUS2007SIC2Self-employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2 digit2
XBUS2020SOCSelf-employment - Standard Occupational Classification 20204
XBUS2020SOC1Self-employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 major grouping1
XBUS2020SOC3Self-employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 minor grouping3
XBUSCOMPFUNDBusiness funded2
XBUSLOCGRLocation of Self-employment (region)4
XBUSLOCNLocation of Self-employment (basic level)2
XBUSLOCUCLocation of Self-employment (county/unitary authority level)4
XBUSMARKERSelf-employment marker2
XEMP2007SICEmployment - Standard Industrial Classification 20074
XEMP2007SIC1Employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 1 digit1
XEMP2007SIC2Employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2 digit2
XEMP2020SOCEmployment - Standard Occupational Classification 20204
XEMP2020SOC1Employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 major grouping1
XEMP2020SOC3Employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 minor grouping3
XEMPLOCGRLocation of employment (region)4
XEMPLOCNLocation of employment (basic level)2
XEMPLOCUCLocation of employment (county/unitary authority level)4
XHOMELOCGRRegion of residence4
XHOMELOCNLocation of residence (basic level)2
XHOMELOCUCCountry of residence4
XINTSTUDYInterim study2
XSTULOCGRRegion of study4
XSTULOCNLocation of study (basic level)2
XSTULOCUCCountry of study4
XWRK2007SICEmployment - Standard Industrial Classification 20074
XWRK2007SIC1Employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 1 digit1
XWRK2007SIC2Employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2 digit2
XWRK2020SOCEmployment - Standard Occupational Classification 20204
XWRK2020SOC1Employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 major grouping1
XWRK2020SOC3Employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 minor grouping3
XWRKHSKILLHighly skilled work marker2
XWRKJOBRSNMain reason for taking job2
XWRKLOCGRLocation of work (region)4
XWRKLOCNLocation of work (basic level)2
XWRKLOCUCLocation of work (country/unitary authority)4
ZBUSAREAArea of self-employment / own business4
ZBUSPCODEPostcode of self-employment / own business8
ZEMPAREAArea of employment4
ZEMPPCODEPostcode of employment8
ZRESPSTATUSResponse status2
ADDITIONALINFORMATIONAdditional information about the survey250
STARTMODEMethod by which survey was started1
COMPLETIONMODEMethod by which survey was completed1
CHECKSUMThe checksum is calculated by summing the ASCII values of all characters within the record that are within the ranges A-Z, a-z and 1-9. The field itself can be up to 6 digits in length.6

Note that STARTMODE / COMPLETEMODE will be populated with 'A' (Telephone contact) OR 'B' (Online)


Field name Description Field length
GRADUATEKEYGraduate key10
CAREERSERVCareer support2
COLLOUTCollaborating with others outside HE research1
COLLSUBDIFFCollaborating with others in different subject1
COMPDIFFCompletely different course1
CONDRSCHConduct research1
DIFFPROVDifferent provider1
DIFFQUALDifferent qualification1
DIFFSUBDifferent subject1
DISKNOWGeneral disciplinary knowledge1
EMPLDTEACHEmployed as a teacher2
GENSKILDEVGeneral skills developed1
GTCSTISGTC Scotland teacher induction scheme2
INTLMOBInternational mobility1
JOBFOUND1Finding the job - Your university/college Careers service1
JOBFOUND2Finding the job - Employer's website1
JOBFOUND3Finding the job - Other university/college source (e.g. lecturer, website)1
JOBFOUND4Finding the job - Recruitment agency/website1
JOBFOUND5Finding the job - Media (e.g. newspaper/magazine advertisement)1
JOBFOUND6Finding the job - Speculative application1
JOBFOUND7Finding the job - Network, including family and friends1
JOBFOUND8Finding the job - Already worked there (including on an internship/placement/apprenticeship)1
JOBFOUND9Finding the job - Social media/professional networking sites1
JOBFOUND10Finding the job - Online job site1
JOBFOUND11Finding the job - Other1
KNOWBASEKnowledge on which research degree based1
MRSCHDEGMain reason for research degree2
OTHRRSCHDEG1Other reasons for research degree - Interested in subject1
OTHRRSCHDEG2Other reasons for research degree - Interested in research1
OTHRRSCHDEG3Other reasons for research degree - Wanted to continue being a student/postpone job hunting1
OTHRRSCHDEG4Other reasons for research degree - Awarded funded studentship1
OTHRRSCHDEG5Other reasons for research degree - Encouraged or required to do so by my employer1
OTHRRSCHDEG6Other reasons for research degree - Wanted an academic career1
OTHRRSCHDEG7Other reasons for research degree - It would improve my career prospects1
OTHRRSCHDEG8Other reasons for research degree - Essential to get into area of employment I wanted1
OTHRRSCHDEG9Other reasons for research degree - I wanted to change career1
OTHRRSCHDEG10Other reasons for research degree - Encouraged to do so by university (including lecturer, tutor)1
OTHRRSCHDEG11Other reasons for research degree - Other1
PLCINTSHPWork placement(s) or internship(s)1
PROVSCOREProvider score1000
RECPROVRecommend the provider2
RSCHFINDResearch findings1
RSCHSKILDEVResearch skills developed1
SEEKTEACHSeeking a teaching post2
TEACHFUNDState-funded or non-state-funded school or college2
TEACHPHSTeaching phase2
WRKAUTOWork autonomously1
WRKPARTWork as part of a team1
WRKSUPERWork under supervision1
CHECKSUMThe checksum is calculated by summing the ASCII values of all characters within the record that are within the ranges A-Z, a-z and 1-9. The field itself can be up to 6 digits in length.6

SICSOC table

Field name Description Field length
SICSOCKEYKey for the employment, business employment, or main activity to enable linking to the core table10
ZSUPEMPNAMESupplemental employer name80
ZSUPPCODESupplemental postcode8
ZCHREGNOCompanies House registration number8
ZSIC2007Standard industrial classification 20075
ZSOC2020Standard occupational classification 20204
ZNOEMPBANDNumber of employees banding1
CHECKSUMThe checksum is calculated by summing the ASCII values of all characters within the record that are within the ranges A-Z, a-z and 1-9. The field itself can be up to 6 digits in length.6


Field name Description Field length
XANXYESTGRPAnxious yesterday1
XHAPYESTGRPHappy yesterday1
XLIFEWORTHGRPLife worthwhile1
XSATLIFEGRPLife satisfaction1
TOTALNumber of graduates10
CHECKSUMThe checksum is calculated by summing the ASCII values of all characters within the record that are within the ranges A-Z, a-z and 1-9. The field itself can be up to 6 digits in length.6

Data will be suppressed if fewer than 8 graduates have answered any one of the 4 questions.

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.