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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Response status ZRESPSTATUS 1.1.2 2 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
02 Survey not started or insufficiently completed
03 Survey partially completed
04 Survey completed

Dependent fields

  • None

Depend upon fields


Additional information

This field describes the status of response to the graduate outcomes survey for each graduate for which some, however minimal, results data has been received.

Technical Specification

This field is created by utilising a number of graduate outcomes survey paradata fields and the derived field XACTIVITY in order to categorise the level of interaction which the graduate had with the survey process. The derived field XACTIVITY is used to populate category 02 (Survey not started or insufficiently completed) where the graduate has not already been assigned to one of categories 03 or 04.

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2020-04-30 1.1.2 Code 01 removed and Depend upon fields changed from XACTIV03 to XACTIVITY
2020-01-30 1.1.1 Field Created

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