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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Region of residence XHOMELOCGR 2.1.1 4 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
XK UK region unknown
XF England region unknown
XI Wales
XH Scotland
XG Northern Ireland
Z Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man
GREU Geographic region - Other European Union
GRAF Geographic region - Africa
GRAS Geographic region - Asia
GRAU Geographic region - Australasia
GRME Geographic region - Middle East
GRNA Geographic region - North America
GROE Geographic region - Other Europe
GRSA Geographic region - South America
NOTK Not known

Dependent fields

  • None

Depend upon fields


Additional information

Valid entry Z (Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man) is derived from country entries GG (Guernsey), JE (Jersey), IM (Isle of Man) and XL (Channel Islands not otherwise specified). The smaller Channel Islands of Alderney and Sark are included under the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Officially, the Crown Dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man are not part of the UK or the EU. However, for HESA analysis purposes they are often grouped with and generally assumed to be part of the United Kingdom.

Code XF is the National Statistics Country Classification (NSCC) code for England, but is used in this field as England region unknown, when data cannot be assigned to one of the nine England region codes.

The definition of the European Union is as at 1 December in the academic year to which the data relates.

Valid entry NOTK (Not known) includes those for whom location of employment cannot be determined from the information returned and those for whom no location information was provided.

Technical Specification

The algorithm uses the HESA Data Management table D_country which is created from an overseas lookup and restricted to the November YYYY update (country mapping is valid at this date), where YYYY represents the year following the academic year of collection. For graduate outcomes 2020/21, the November 2022 ONSPD data is used. The table includes the following fields: Country Code (CountryCode, VARCHAR(2)) and Region Code (GeographicGroupCode, NVARCHAR(4)).

If HOMECOUNTRY found in D_Country.CountryCode D_Country.GeographicGroupCode
If HOMECOUNTRY found in D_Country.GeographicGroupCode D_Country.GeographicGroupCode

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2022-07-01 2.1.1 Depend upon field updated from ZHOMECOUNTRY to HOMECOUNTRY
2021-10-13 1.1.1 XMLOCGR removed as a dependent field
2019-10-15 1.1.1 Created

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.