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Graduate Outcomes Contact Details record 2022/23 - Notification log

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Notification log

This document summarises all communications associated with the 2022/23 Graduate Outcomes Contact Details collection. Please refer to the revision history document for full technical list of changes to the specifications.

HESA issue regular communications during the life of a collection:

  • Circulars: announcements to interested parties concerning or issues relating to the collection. Circulars are always made available on the HESA website for later reference, and emailed out to the mailgroup for the collection.
  • Coding manual release overviews: these document iterative changes to the technical documentation that define the form of the data to be submitted, as well as being a place to host resources associated with collecting that data.

2024-06-26 Coding manual release - version 1.7

Version 1.7 of the coding manual includes:

2024-05-01 Coding manual release - version 1.6

Version 1.6 of the coding manual includes:

2023-12-18 Coding manual release - version 1.5

Version 1.5 of the coding manual includes:

  • Update to the data items list to match the order to that in the sequence section of the c22071.xsd file.

2023-11-21 Coding manual release - version 1.4

Version 1.4 of the coding manual includes:

  • Update to the data collection schedule to accommodate the change in Cohort A approval deadline to the 30 November 2023 for Further Education Colleges in Northen Ireland.

2023-10-19 Coding manual release - version 1.3

Version 1.3 of the coding manual includes:

  • Update to c22071datatypes.xsd for data type 'SIDType'.
  • Update to the exclusion list for Graduate Outcomes population to remove 'M0021 - Other taught qualification at level M' and replace with 'M0022 - Credits at level M' in coverage of record.
  • Update to the data collection schedule to accommodate the change in Cohort A approval deadline to the 24 November 2023.

2023-10-04 Coding manual release - version 1.2

Version 1.2 of the coding manual includes:

  • Release of the download file specification specification for the provider population download available via the Graduate Outcomes Portal.

2023-08-09 Coding manual release - version 1.1

Version 1.1 of the coding manual includes:

2023-07-05 Coding manual release - version 1.0

Version 1.0 of the coding manual includes the first release of documentation for Graduate Outcomes Contact Detail record 2022/23. This includes the schema, field specifications and guidance.

The following changes have been made for the 22071 collection:

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.