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< xs:simpleType name="DEGCLSSCodeContentType">
<Label>First class honours</Label>
<Label>Upper second class honours</Label>
<Label>Lower second class honours</Label>
<Label>Undivided second class honours</Label>
<Label>Third class honours</Label>
<Label>Fourth class honours</Label>
<Label>Unclassified honours</Label>
<Label>Aegrotat (whether to honours or pass)</Label>
<Label>Pass - degree awarded without honours following an honours course</Label>
<Label>Ordinary (including divisions of ordinary, if any) degree awarded after following a non-honours course</Label>
<Label>General degree - degree awarded after following a non-honours course/degree that was not available to be classified</Label>
<Label>Not applicable</Label>
<Label>Not known</Label>

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