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Estates management 2022/23 - Non-residential GIA in DEC or EPC category D

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Estates management 2022/23

Fields required from institutions in All fields

Non-residential GIA in DEC or EPC category D

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Short nameENRGIAD

This field contains data about GIA in DEC or EPC (Scotland only) which falls under rating category D for the non-residential estate. The value can be recorded to three decimal places.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All higher education providers (HEPs).

UnitSquare metre (m²)

Non-residential GIA in DEC/(EPC - Scotland only) Category D.

Mandatory for
Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required Sector use and benchmarking.
Part of
Field length11
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: ENRGIAD

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.