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Estates management 2022/23 - Capital expenditure buildings - D25CapitalExpenditureBuildings

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Estates management 2022/23

Fields required from institutions in All fields

Capital expenditure buildings - D25

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Short nameCapitalExpenditureBuildings

The fields in this entity contain data about the capital expenditure of buildings.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All higher education providers (HEPs).


HESA Finance return definitions

Capital expenditure covers all expenditure which increases the value of an HEP's (or a subsidiary undertaking's) fixed assets, including the purchase of land, buildings, and those items of equipment which are included in the HEP's register of fixed assets and shown in the balance sheet. The capital expenditure should thus be consistent with the additions to fixed assets shown in a note to the balance sheet.

Mandatory for
Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required
Part of
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Has parts

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