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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Staff contract population at 1 December XPOPC01 2.4.1 1 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
0 Contract not counted within 1 December population
1 Contract counted within 1 December population

Dependent fields

  • XPOPP01

Depend upon fields


Additional information

To enable analysis of contracts that are active on 1 December within the HESA reporting period.

The HESA staff contract population is an indicator of those contracts that were active on 1 December within the reporting period.

Staff returned with a dormant mode of employment (Contract.MOEMP=6) are excluded from this population.

Only staff returned with an Open-ended/Permanent or Fixed-term contract (Contract.TERMS=1 or 2) are counted within this population. Atypical staff (Contract.TERMS=3) are not included. Staff with a contract full-time equivalent (FTE) (Contract.CONFTE) of zero are not counted in this population.

In exceptional cases, where the contract start date (Contract.STARTCON) or the contract end date (Contract.ENDCON) is not known, an empty element can be returned where Contract.TERMS is coded 1 or 2.

The HESA staff contract population is used in analyses of staff contract attributes by full-person equivalents (FPE). It should be used when analysing staff full-person equivalents (XSFPE01) on the Cyy025_CC (cost centre) table.

Technical Specification

* Note to developers: The length of Contract.CONFTE is a maximum of 5 characters (nnn.n), however the move to XML enables data to be returned with or without leading zeros or the decimal place, e.g. '000.0', '00.0', '0.0' or '0' are equally acceptable.

Contract.MOEMP (CHAR 1) Contract.TERMS (CHAR 1) Contract.STARTCON (DATE) Contract.ENDCON (DATE) Contract.CONFTE (nnn.n*) XPOPC01
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3 0
1, 2 <= 01-DEC-Y1, or null >= 01-DEC-Y1, or null 000.0 or null 0
Otherwise 1
Otherwise 0
Otherwise 0
6 0

(N.B. Y1 means 2012 for the 2012/13 reporting period.)

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2013-10-29 2.4.1 Technical specification amended to allow for null values in Contract.CONFTE, which can only be present if validation is switched. Such values will derive to 0 in this field
2013-02-11 2.3.1 Update to Technical specification to account for switch to XML format of Staff record for 2012/13. Contract.MOEMP added to the Technical specification to exclude new C12025 MOEMP valid entry 6 'Dormant' from population. Default STARTCON and ENDCON date 99991231 changed to Null. Potential format differences to XML Contract.CONFTE highlighted in Technical specification
2011-08-30 2.2.1 Added row to technical specification to handle where Terms = otherwise, Startcon is within date criteria, but Endcon is earlier than date criteria
2009-03-25 2.1.2 Format amended. Colons removed from valid entries. Field type added to. No change to technical specification
2004-05-28 2.1.1

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.