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< xs:simpleType name="ETHNICCodeContentType">
<Label>White - Scottish</Label>
<Label>Other White background</Label>
<Label>Gypsy or Traveller</Label>
<Label>Black or Black British - Caribbean</Label>
<Label>Black or Black British - African</Label>
<Label>Other Black background</Label>
<Label>Asian or Asian British - Indian</Label>
<Label>Asian or Asian British - Pakistani</Label>
<Label>Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi</Label>
<Label>Other Asian background</Label>
<Label>Mixed - White and Black Caribbean</Label>
<Label>Mixed - White and Black African</Label>
<Label>Mixed - White and Asian</Label>
<Label>Other mixed background</Label>
<Label>Other ethnic background</Label>
<Label>Not known</Label>
<Label>Information refused</Label>

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.