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Student Alternative 2021/22 - Campus identifier

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Student Alternative 2021/22

Fields required from institutions in England

Campus identifier

return to field list
Short nameCAMPID

This field identifies the campus with which a student instance is associated

Applicable toEngland

All instance periods at registered providers.


Campus identifiers used in the HESA Student Alternative record must be consistent with those submitted by the higher education provider (HEP) as part of the Provider Profile record. Only those CAMPID codes submitted to HESA as part of the Provider profile collection can be returned in this field.

An instance can only be associated with a single CAMPID. It is recognised that because of the flexibility of study patterns adopted by some providers, it will be impossible to say categorically that some students are assigned to a particular campus. Where a student studies at multiple campuses the campus where they spend the majority of their time should be returned.

Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required To allow breakdown by campus, and hence geographical location of study, for multi-campus providers.
Part of
Field length1
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: CAMPID

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.