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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Age at 31 July in reporting year XAGEJ01 1.4.2 2 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
00 Less than 1 year old
01 1 year old
02 2 years old
03 3 years old
04 4 years old
05 5 years old
06 6 years old
07 7 years old
08 8 years old
09 9 years old
10 10 years old
11 11 years old
12 12 years old
13 13 years old
14 14 years old
15 15 years old
16 16 years old
17 17 years old
18 18 years old
19 19 years old
20 20 years old
21 21 years old
22 22 years old
23 23 years old
24 24 years old
25 25 years old
26 26 years old
27 27 years old
28 28 years old
29 29 years old
30 30 years old
31 31 years old
32 32 years old
33 33 years old
34 34 years old
35 35 years old
36 36 years old
37 37 years old
38 38 years old
39 39 years old
40 40 years old
41 41 years old
42 42 years old
43 43 years old
44 44 years old
45 45 years old
46 46 years old
47 47 years old
48 48 years old
49 49 years old
50 50 years old
51 51 years old
52 52 years old
53 53 years old
54 54 years old
55 55 years old
56 56 years old
57 57 years old
58 58 years old
59 59 years old
60 60 years old
61 61 years old
62 62 years old
63 63 years old
64 64 years old
65 65 years old
66 66 years old
67 67 years old
68 68 years old
69 69 years old
70 70 years old
71 71 years old
72 72 years old
73 73 years old
74 74 years old
75 75 years old
76 76 years old
77 77 years old
78 78 years old
79 79 years old
80 80 years old
81 81 years old
82 82 years old
83 83 years old
84 84 years old
85 85 years old
86 86 years old
87 87 years old
88 88 years old
89 89 years old
90 90 years old
91 91 years old
92 92 years old
93 93 years old
94 94 years old
95 95 years old
96 96 years old
97 97 years old
98 Over 97 years old
99 Unknown age

Dependent fields

  • XAGRPJ01

Depend upon fields


Additional information

Age as at 31 July in reporting period. For example, during the reporting period 1 August 2001 to 31 July 2002, age will be as at 31 July 2002.

00 Student.BIRTHDTE is >= (YYY1-1)-08-01
01 Student.BIRTHDTE is between (YYY1-1)-08-01 and (YYY1)-07-31 inclusive
02 Student.BIRTHDTE is between (YYY1-2)-08-01 and (YYY1-1)-07-31 inclusive
18 Student.BIRTHDTE is between (YYY1-18)-08-01 and (YYY1-17)-07-31 inclusive
19 Student.BIRTHDTE is between (YYY1-19)-08-01 and (YYY1-18)-07-31 inclusive
20 Student.BIRTHDTE is between (YYY1-20)-08-01 and (YYY1-19)-07-31 inclusive
95 Student.BIRTHDTE is between (YYY1-95)-08-01 and (YYY1-94)-07-31 inclusive
99 Student.BIRTHDTE is Null in Cyy051 or Cyy054; or 9999-12-31 in Cyy051 (a legacy default entry which may be present if switches are applied)

Technical Specification

In order to derived this field, the number of whole years between Student.BIRTHDTE and 31 July Y1+1 must be known. This value is called DIFF. For example, Y1=2001 in the 2001-02 reporting period and is obtained by concatenating the first two digits from year in the system date with the first two digits of Institution.RECID.)

Cyy051.Student.BIRTHDTE or Cyy054.Student.BIRTHDTE DIFF (internal value) XAGEJ01
Cyy051 Student record: Null or 9999-12-31 (if validation is switched to allow legacy default codes through) 99
Cyy054 Student Alternative record: Null
Otherwise >= 0 and < 99 DIFF
>= 99 98
< 0 00

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2016-10-15 1.4.2 Technical specification corrected to replace an error in the table. The first row of the 'Otherwise' section should derive to 'DIFF'
2014-10-16 1.4.1 Technical specification amended to allow for the use of this field in the Cyy054 AP student record
2012-03-14 1.3.2 Additional information BIRTHDTE example format changed to ISO 8601 yyyy-mm-dd
2011-02-24 1.3.1 Technical specification amended to account for future value in student collection. Removal of Cyy025.BIRTHDTE as not applicable to Staff
2010-11-08 1.2.4 Additional information for valid entry 99 added where validation is switched. No change to function
2010-04-16 1.2.3 Valid entries listed in full. No change to function
2009-03-17 1.2.2 Format amended. Colons removed from valid entries. Field type added. No change to technical specification
2008-01-09 1.2.1 Changes for 07051 and clarification of origin of blank BIRTHDATE as reason for null
2002-03-08 1.1.2 Clarification of reporting year in technical spec
1998-10-26 1.1.1 Created

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.