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Student Alternative 2020/21 - Delivery organisation

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Student Alternative 2020/21

Fields required from institutions in England

Delivery organisation

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valid entries
Short nameDELORG

This field records the delivery organisation for a Course.

Applicable toEngland

All DeliveryOrganisationAndLocation entities

Valid entries and labels
4002Other Non-UK provider
4003Other public body in the UK
4004Other private body in the UK

In the majority of cases, this field would record the UKPRN of the delivery organisation. Where the organisation does not have a UKPRN, one of the above valid entries must be returned.

Code 4002 should be used for any body (educational or other) based outside the UK. This should also be used for Non-UK providers that have a UK campus, but no UKPRN.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required To allow the recording of franchise information to allow estimates to be made of student population for use in national statistics.
Part of
Field length8
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: DELORG
Data type: DELORGType
Date modified2020-07-30
Change management notesNew field created to allow students to be attributed to a delivery organisation consistently (regardless of whether the student falls within an entry, continuing or qualifying cohort) and to record the physical location at which delivery is taking place.

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