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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Full person equivalent XFPE01 4.2.1 7 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
. The format of XFPE01 is 000.000

Dependent fields

  • XCAH01
  • XCAH02
  • XCAH03

Depend upon fields


Additional information

The datasets tables Cyy051_SJ (for the Student record) and Cyy054_SJ (for the Student Alternative record) are the HECoS subject by full person equivalent (FPE) tables, that hold merged subject data from the appropriate Course and CourseSubject records apportioned using the HESA 'combination splitter' methodology.

XHECOS takes the base fields from the CourseSubject entity for the applicable record and derives its value based on entries in Course.COURSEAIM and Course.TTCID, and additionally weights allocation to education subjects as defined by the methodology.

An additional ‘dummy’ HECOS code (200001 – apportioned teacher training) has been included to allow for assignment of teacher training to a general code where required as part of the apportionment process.

XFPE01 apportions the subjects to a nominal FPE, according to the number of subjects submitted per Course and the weighting allocated to a Course's subjects.

From 2019/20 the underlying subject coding frame has changed from JACS to HECOS.

Technical Specification

The creation of the _SJ tables depends on de-duplication to ensure that all Courses are unique, and that Instances contain a COURSEID submitted on Course (i.e. that exception checks that test for de-duplication and Course linkage have run, and have not been switched).

Both tables hold the CourseSubject data apportioned using the field CourseSubject.SBJPCNT.

For the purposes of this specification, ‘Teacher Training’ subject codes are defined as:

(100507) adult education teaching
(100510) early years teaching
(100509) higher education teaching
(100511) primary teaching
(101246) professional practice in education
(100512) secondary teaching
(101087) special needs teaching
(101085) specialist teaching
(100513) teaching English as a foreign language

Where percentages result in decimals then truncate to 3dp.

Where subject percentages are scaled up/down then the sum of the calculation should exactly equal 100 for PGCE or 50 for non PGCE, in order to achieve this, round up/down the percentage relating to the lowest HECOS code.


For each InstanceKEY linked to a course where the CourseSubject entity exists, create a record in the _SJ table with a total FPE of 100.000.

Join Instance to Course to CourseSubject where:
Instance.UKPRN=Course.UKPRN and
Instance.COURSEID=Course.COURSEID and
Course.UKPRN=CourseSubject.UKPRN and

For each completed CourseSubject entity create a record containing the fields from that entity, plus Instance.InstanceKEY, Instance.COURSEID, XFPE01, XHECOS, XCAH01, XCAH02 and XCAH03 calculated as per the specification, following the 'combination splitter' methodology below.


For each InstanceKEY on the Instance_End table for the collection, which can linked to a course where the CourseSubject entity exists, create a record in the _SJ table with a total FPE of 100.000.

Join Instance_End to Course to CourseSubject where:
Instance_End.UKPRN=Course.UKPRN and
Instance_End.COURSEID=Course.COURSEID and
Course.UKPRN=CourseSubject.UKPRN and

For each completed CourseSubject entity create a record containing the fields from that entity, plus Instance_End.InstanceKEY, Instance_End.COURSEID, UKPRN, XFPE01, XHECOS, XCAH01,XCAH02, XCAH03 and XUHN01 calculated as per the specification, following the 'combination splitter' methodology below.

i) The course being followed is a PGCE (level H or M)

If the course being followed is a PGCE (indicated by Course.COURSEAIM = H71 or M71 and Course.TTCID = 1, 2 or Q) then 100% FPE is allocated to teacher training subject code(s) as follows:

  • If exactly one of the SBJCA contains a teacher training subject code, then use this code and set FPE to 100%
  • If more than one of the SBJCA contain teacher training subject codes and there are no non-teacher training subject codes returned, then use all of the returned codes with corresponding percentages.
  • If more than one of the SBJCA contain teacher training subject codes and there are also non-teacher training subject codes returned, then use the returned teacher training codes based on the given proportions but scaled up so that they sum to 100% and exclude the non-teacher training subject codes calculated as follows:
  • - For each teacher training subject (SBJPCNT/sum(SBJPCNT for all teacher training subjects))*100
    - Where sum of subjects is greater than/less than 100, round down/up respectively the subject with the lowest HECOS code so that the sum exactly equals 100.
  • Otherwise use the default teacher training subject code 200001 set to 100% FPE

ii) The course being followed is teacher training and not PGCE

If the course being followed is teacher training (Course.TTCID = 1, 2 or Q) and it is not a PGCE course (indicated by Course.COURSEAIM not H71 or M71) then 50% FPE is allocated to teacher training subject code(s) and the remaining 50% is split across the non-teacher training subjects according to the proportions returned:

  • If there are only teacher training subject codes returned in SBJCA, then use these codes with the returned FPE.
  • If there are both teacher training and non-teacher training subject codes returned in SBJCA, assign 50% of the FPE to the teacher training subject codes, apportion across the 50% based on the split returned and apply a similar principle for the non-teacher training subject codes, calculated as follows:
  • - For each teacher training subject (SBJPCNT/sum(SBJPCNT for all teacher training subjects))*50
    - For each non teacher training subject (SBJPCNT/sum(SBJPCNT for all non teacher training subjects))*50
    - Where sum of subjects for each calculation above is greater than/less than 50, round down/up respectively the subject with the lowest HECOS code so that the sum exactly equals 50.
    - A detailed example is shown below for this subject combination
  • If there are no teaching training subjects returned, assign 50% to the default teacher training subject code 200001 and for the remaining subjects, apportion across the 50% based on the split returned, calculated as follows:
  • - For each non teacher training subject (SBJPCNT/sum(SBJPCNT for all teacher training subjects))*50
    - Where sum of subjects is greater than/less than 50, round down/up respectively the subject with the lowest HECOS code so that the sum exactly equals 50.


Course is teacher training but not PGCE and has 5 subject codes returned, 3 of which are non teacher training and 2 of which are teacher training. Assign 50% to teacher training and 50% to non teacher training as follows:

Non teacher training subjects
SUBJCA1 = 100900 (25%) 25/(25 + 25 + 25) * 50 = 16.666%
SUBJCA2 = 100425 (25%) 25/(25 + 25 + 25) * 50 = 16.666%
SUBJCA3 = 100182 (25%) 25/(25 + 25 + 25) * 50 = 16.668%

Teacher training subjects
SUBJCA4 = 100509 (13%) – 13/(12 + 13) * 50 = 26%
SUBJCA5 = 100507 (12%) – 12/(12 + 13) * 50 = 24%

iii) If the course being followed is not Initial Teacher Training (ITT)

The course being followed is not ITT then use returned SBJCA codes and corresponding percentages.

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2021-02-26 4.2.1 Derived field XHECOS_XFPE01 technical specification has been split into two separate specifications (XHECOS & XFPE01) to align with data supply and deliveries
2020-05-19 4.1.1 Switch of JACS to HECoS codes, dependent fields and technical specification updated to reflect the change to HECoS. Additonal section added to advise process when ITT is not returned
2016-11-03 3.6.1 Technical specification updated to revert the form of the Cyy054_SJ table to that of version 3.3.1 and before, requiring InstanceKEY to be present. Technical specification updated to reflect the deletion of Course.TTCID valid entries 8 and G in the list of codes that define ITT in sections i to iv
2016-11-01 3.5.2 Technical specification updated to add an instruction to the XFPE01 header column of scenarios 'iii' and 'iv', stating that where the calculation results in a value in excess of three decimal places, the results should be truncated. This step was not previously explicit
2015-07-07 3.5.1 Technical specification updated to split the creation of the Cyy054_SJ table out from that of the Cyy051_SJ table, as the Cyy054_SJ table need not be created on a per-InstanceKEY basis, and the method for creation is now correspondingly different
2014-10-16 3.4.1 Technical specification updated to reflect the addition of Course.TTCID valid entry Q, and the deletion of valid entries L, M, N and P, in the list of codes that define ITT in sections i) to iv). Change to function. Additional information section amended to allow for the use of this field in the Cyy054 AP student record
2013-09-30 3.3.1 Minor typographical edits to two valid entry labels for consistency with other labels. C900 and I900 now use lower case throughout. Technical specification updated to reflect the addition of Course.TTCID valid entries L, M, N and P, and the deletion of J and K, in the list of codes that define ITT in sections i) to iv). Change to function
2013-04-08 3.2.1 Technical specification change to include Course.TTCID codes G, H, J and K in the list of codes that define ITT in sections i) to iv). Change to function
2013-01-11 3.1.1 Switch of JACS codes to the version 3.0 coding frame. Added XJACSLEV101, XJACSLEV201, and XJACSLEV301 to list of dependent fields
2010-04-09 2.1.1 Added XJACSA01, XJACS201 and new Instance.COURSEID to technical specification
2009-10-30 1.2.2 Technical specification text clarified for PGCE courses where more than one subject is returned in SBJCA. This matches the existing function. No change to function required

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.