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Student 2019/20 - REF dataREFData

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Student 2019/20

Fields required from institutions in England

REF data

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Short nameREFData

A set of fields that describe the REF unit of assessment(s) relating to an Instance

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All instances where Course.COURSEAIM = L00, L80, L99, or D00, and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 04.


Collaborative doctoral provision

If there is a formal collaborative arrangement to provide doctoral research training for a student, then this should be reflected in the REF Data fields.

Where there is concurrent collaboration or joint supervision the REFData.UOAPCNT, REFData.UOA2014, and REFData.COLPROV fields should be used to record appropriate details.

Where there is a sequential collaboration (i.e. the student starts at one provider and reporting responsibilities are later transferred to another provider) the first provider should return code 12 'Transferred out due to collaborative supervision arrangements' in Instance.RSNEND, and complete Instance.COLTOPROV and Instance.COLTODATE; and the second provider should return Instance.NUMHUSPREV, Instance.COLFROMPROV and Instance.COLFROMDATE.

For more details on collaborative provision, see the Further guidance on collaborative supervision arrangements.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this entity are displayed here.
Reason required This repeating element exists to allow an instance to be linked to more than one REF unit of assessment and/or more than one provider.
Part of
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrencesunbounded
Schema components
Element: REFData
Has parts

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.