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Initial Teacher Training record 2015/16 - Allocated place

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Initial Teacher Training record 2015/16

Fields required from institutions in England

Allocated place

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valid entries
Short nameALLPLACE

This field indicates whether or not a student is using an initial teacher training place allocated by the NCTL.

Applicable toEngland

All students.

Valid entries and labels
1NCTL allocated place
2Not NCTL allocated place

A student is considered to occupy an allocated place when the student is taking up a place that forms part of the provider's mainstream allocation from the NCTL, or is occupying a place allocated under any other route towards QTS or EYTS. School Direct places (either tuition fee or salaried) are also 'allocated places' as long as they form part of the Lead School's allocation, and the student occupying the place is within coverage of the ITT record.

Allocated places attract NCTL funding in the form of bursaries and salary grants where the individual's criteria permits.

Supporting Guidance

For the 2015/16 academic year ITT trainee records the NCTL requires an additional level of data to aid in its analysis of teacher training population. A new item, Student.ALLPLACE, has been added to provide supporting information on whether an individual trainee is being submitted with the correct combination of funding data.

Student.ALLPLACE represents whether the individual trainee is taking up an NCTL 'allocated' place, which was assigned to all providers in 2014 (or has since been allocated following an approved request to alter those original allocations). Any trainee record where the individual is NOT taking up an allocated place at the time of submission to the ITT collection should be marked as such. Providers may be in the process of requesting increases to their allocations (whilst the ITT collection is live), which would result in that trainee being able to 'take up' the extra place once approved. If it is possible, and approval is granted before closure of the ITT Trainee Numbers Census a re-submission could be made to reflect the change in the Student.ALLPLACE category.

In most cases a funded trainee (see definition below) MUST take up an allocated place. The only exception is where a provider wishes to use an allocated place for an unfunded School Direct Salaried trainee.

Further guidance on the coding requirements for allocated places may be found in the 'Further guidance about returning NCTL programmes (excluding EYITT)' document.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this field are displayed here.
Reason required

To understand which students should be counted as being part of the total number of allocated places, awarded and funded by the NCTL.

Part of
Field length1
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Date modified2015-09-01
Change management notesAdditional guidance added to the Notes section.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.