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HESA Student Record 2012/13 - Location of study

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HESA Student Record 2012/13

Fields required from institutions in Scotland

Location of study

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valid entries
Short nameLOCSDY

This field describes the location at which the student is studying.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All instances where Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 09

Valid entries and labels
6Distance learning - UK based student
9Distance learning - Non-UK based student (funded)
ANVQ delivered fully by an institution outside the workplace
BNVQ delivered jointly by an institution & an employer
CNVQ delivered entirely in the workplace
DOn industrial (or other) placement for the year as a whole
EOn industrial (or other) placement for a proportion of the year
FOn study year abroad for the year as a whole
GOn study year abroad for a proportion of the year
NDrop in/open learning centre
QWBL provider-centre based
SStudying abroad and included in the Student record as student has spent or will spend more than 8 weeks in the UK
XAt returning and/or franchised institution for whole year

Location of study - The studies described should relate to the FTE reported in field Instance.STULOAD which in turn are described in detail in fields ModuleSubject.COSTCN, ModuleSubject.MODSBJ and ModuleSubject.MODSBJP.

Guidance for specific codes

Codes 6 and 9: Distance learning students are those that are students of the reporting institution, where staff employed by the reporting institution are responsible for providing all teaching or supervision, but where the majority of the learning occurs away from the institution and/or formal learning environments. It specifically excludes placements, work-based learning, franchise provision and collaborative provision where students are learning at another institution.

Codes A - C and H - R can be used only for FE students at institutions in England and Wales.

Code E, 'On industrial (or other) placement for a proportion of the year' should be used where the student undertakes a full-time placement lasting for at least 10 weeks. Where a student undertakes a placement on a part-time basis this should only be included if, when summed, it is equivalent to 10 weeks full-time work.

Students undertaking a placement as part of a sandwich course, whether industrial or other, should be returned with LOCSDY D or E as appropriate.

Where both code E 'On industrial (or other) placement for a proportion of the year' and code G 'On study year abroad for a proportion of the year' apply in the same academic year, code E 'On industrial (or other) placement for a proportion of the year' should be used in preference to code G 'On study year abroad for a proportion of the year'.

Link between coverage of the Student record and the Aggregate offshore record

Certain students are primarily studying overseas but are returned in the Student record because the student has spent or will spend more than a block of 8 consecutive weeks studying in the UK. See Coverage of the record for further details. For years where the student spends the whole year at the reporting institution, use code 'X'. For years where the student spends part or all of the year abroad, use code 'S'. If it is known at the beginning of the course that a student will spend eight weeks or more in the UK as part of their programme then they should be included on the Student record throughout.

Information about students studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK, and those not funded for study by distance learning overseas should be returned on the Aggregate offshore record and not included in the Student record.

There is no requirement to send an individualised student record for any student studying for the whole of their programme of study outside of the UK and those not funded for study by distance learning overseas.

However, there are a small number of distance learning students studying outside the UK who are funded - e.g. Crown servants overseas and the Services. For these students a full record is needed, and is collected through the individualised Student record. Such students should be coded 9 'Distance Learning - Non-UK based student (funded only)' in this field.

Quality rules
Quality rules relating to this field are displayed here.
Reason required

To track student migration, placements, etc., and to support population definitions.

Part of
Field length1
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: LOCSDY
Related fields
Date modified2013-04-30
Change management notesGuidance on the definition of 'distance learning' has been added to Notes. Business rule 1 updated to extend coverage to include the Unistats (09) reduced return.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.