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HESA Student Record 2007/08 - Closed course

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HESA Student Record 2007/08

Fields required from institutions in Wales

Closed course

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Short name CLSDCRS
Type field

This field identifies courses that are restricted to certain groups of people and are not available to any suitably qualified candidate.

Applicable to England

All courses at institutions in England where Course.REDUCEDC = 00

Base data type CLSDCRSCodeType
Field length 1
Part of
Minimum occurrences 0
Maximum occurrences 1
Reason required

To allow monitoring of provision that is provided for specific groups


Closed courses are those courses that are not open to any suitably qualified candidate, for example where a course is only available to employees of particular companies that course is closed.

A course is defined as closed where the syllabus (and/or examinations) is specifically designed for a certain group of people and the course is not also available to other suitably qualified candidates. A course may be designed for a particular company (with examples and/or timings altered to suit the company). However if the same course is also run for other suitably qualified candidates, not employed by the company, then the course is not closed and should be coded 0 ‘Not a closed course’.

Owner HESA
Version 1.2
Date modified 2007-09-07
Change management notes Clarification of notes and description
Business rules
1 (Error)

Course.CLSDCRS must exist for institutions in England where Course.REDUCEDC = 00

2 (Error)

Course.CLSDCRS must not exist for institutions not in England

Schema components
Element: CLSDCRS
Valid entries and labels
0 Not a closed course
1 Closed course

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.